Ch. 45: Take a Rest

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A/N: Sorry for the delay. Last week was quite busy one. I'm literally writing this at work. Lol.


~the next morning~

I groaned softly as I woke up. I went to stretch but found myself unable to. I rubbed at my eyes and looked down to see Grey sleeping on top of my chest. I snorted and gently petted the husky pup. Grey slowly opened his eyes and looked at me sleepily. He lets out a smol woof and presses his wet nose to my chin.

"Good morning, Grey," I hummed. Grey paws at my chest a bit in response. "Do you want some breakfast?" Grey starts to wag his tail, which hit me repeatedly on my stomach. I sit up and was carefully to not make the pup slide off of me. I moved him so that I was holding him with my left arm and peeled off my blanket with my right hand. Grey puts his head on my shoulder and huffs softly.

I turned my body so that my legs are hanging off of the bed and got off. As I was putting on my slippers, Grey started to growl lowly  in my ear. I looked around to see what or who he was growling at and I saw Hyunwoo asleep on the arm chair. He didn't leave?

His mouth is parted slightly. A steady stream of low snores flowed out. The sunlight accented his facial features. I guess I stared for too long because he started to stir. I immediately looked away and put on my house slippers.

"Morning," he says lowly. That morning voice tho...

"Oh, good morning," I replied and gave him a curt smile. He returns it with a smile of his own. Grey growls a bit louder this time. "Grey, stop it," I told him. "Did you sleep there all night? I should have pulled out a sleeping bag for you or something."

"No worries. I slept in worst places before," he says as he gets up and stretched, which allowed for me to see a glimpse of his Adonis' belt. I felt a bit disappointed when it was covered up a second later.

"Oh, really? You didn't have to stay...."

"It's alright. If I know that you are alright, then I am too," he answers.

"Oh...well, I also have today off too..."

"...want to go somewhere?"

"But, don't you have work?"

"Yeah...but I can take another day off."

"Where do you want to go?"

"It's a surprise."

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