Ch. 96: Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold (Part 3)

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~a few minutes later~

I can hear gunshots ringing throughout the building as I clutched at the left side of my torso. One of the goons got me pretty good before I could take him down. I hadn't expected for another person to come up behind me. I should have known that would happen as you usually get attacked from behind in movies. 

I swiped one of the badges from one of the goons and took their gun magazine to change out the one I had and to keep in case I run out again. I decided to go up the stairs as the elevator most likely had security cameras. I didn't want to preserve the element of surprise. 

When I got to the top of the stairs at the highest floor, I pressed my ear against the door and listened. I can hear people shouting and shuffling through the door. I would have prayed to whoever was listening asking them to protect me but I already knew that I might not be able to walk away from this alive. 

I took a few deep breaths before opening the door and going inside. Instantly, I was knocked down to the floor which sent my gun flying. Somehow, it manages to go off and strike a lackey. The guy on top of me begins to choke me. I made indistinguishable noises as he was pressing down on my airway.

I reached up and grabbed his face. He tries to shake my hands off but then settled on strangling me. I then used my thumbs to push in his eyes. He lets out a cry and lets go of me. I took advantage of this and kicked him straight in the family jewels as hard as I can in this position. He lets out a string of curses and falls down. I quickly got up and kicked him as hard as I could under his jaw to knock him out.

It worked but my foot now hurts like a b****. Soon enough, more goons showed up but they only had a 4 by 4 wood post each. I looked down at my gun and thought about grabbing it but there wasn't enough time. I got into the ready stance and braced myself for the fight to come. 

They come charging while shouting war cries. I ran toward them before doing a flying jump kick which knocked one back and then preceding to engage the other bad guys. I tried to fight them all off at the same time but it became apparent that I hadn't sparred or fought against multiple people in a while. 

Pain blooms across my body as I took blows from many angles. But, I didn't crumble. I caught one of the 4 by 4s and striked his wrist which caused him to let go. Then, I kicked backward in an upward motion which caught one of the goons that went to attack me from behind. Using the 4 by 4 that I took, I smashed it against the goon that I took it from. 

From there, I swing it as I spun around catching another goon in the neck. He makes a choking noises before falling to the ground. The other two goons that were waiting for their chance to strike came at me at the same time. I waited under they were in my range before taking them out with some err a lot of effort.

Once I dealt with them all, my knees threaten to buckle right from under me. I placed my hand on the wall to keep myself up and shook my head to stop my vision from swimming from the blow to the head that I took earlier.

 When I finally caught my breath,  I look up to see a single person running toward me. But, the way that he moved let me know that he was the right hand man of the Boss of the Silver Roses. 

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