vii: irene

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             The sunlight was making its way through some of the branches. For the most part none of the rays was hitting his face. Today was a nice day with a slight breeze, countering the heat of the sun. Taehyung laid under the tree, lying down on the grass. His backpack served as a pillow to his head. His afternoon class was cancelled so he found a place to rest for that hour. He lifted his hand up, seeing the contrast of the shadows. Taking out his phone, he snapped a picture. The light that shone through the leaves and branches created a glow for his outstretched hand. He looked at the picture and was satisfied with it—posting it on his Instagram with one simple hashtag: light.

Placing his phone on his chest he closed his eyes and thought of the events that took place yesterday. He didn't know how he was supposed to react. He witnessed a crime, was told to stay away from one of his best friends, tried to talk to said best friend but ended with an odd rift, and his crush contacted him through a DM. He never replied to her message. He didn't know how. He was too preoccupied in thinking how he was supposed to avoid Joy without her growing suspicious of his behavior. He told his worries to Yoongi who simply said: "Just get a girlfriend again. You had no trouble avoiding her when you were dating Jisoo."

Taehyung had almost punched the older friend. The fact that Jisoo hadn't liked him being around Joy and that he listened to her was one of his biggest regrets. He was miserable then. Sure, he got the girl, but he didn't have his friend to share his emotions with. Not talking to Joy was torture to him and now he had to do it again for her own good. He just couldn't shake off everything. At least, he was able to be with her last night. Even if for the most part it felt like she didn't want him anywhere near her.

Opening his eyes, he still couldn't get over the fact that Jungkook had succeeded in asking Joy on a date. That whole evening, he made sure to keep Jungkook away. He could have her any other day but last night, he became even more possessive. Being overly clingy that even Jimin had sent him a text asking if he was making a move or just jealous. He never replied.

Taehyung still recalled how Namjoon introduced her to Jin and how the latter blushed at being called extremely handsome by the girl. Taehyung scowled at the memory of how she said he wasn't more handsome than his friend. Although all he could focus on that evening other than having Joy constantly at his side as they watched the horror movie and having her fall asleep on his shoulder, were the stares Seokjin would throw to Joy every second he could.

Having Jungkook like Joy was one thing, the younger would soon get over his feelings because he knew Joy only saw him as a younger brother—or so he hoped. I wasn't sure anymore. The way she would look at Jungkook was a look that she gives little children all the time. Taehyung prayed silently it stayed that way.

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