xxxx: precious time

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18+ MATURE CONTENT WARNING: sexual scene

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18+ MATURE CONTENT WARNING: sexual scene


             "I kind of feel ridiculous now."

He was finishing tying up his tie when he turned to look at Sooyoung. She came out in her old school uniform and was pouting. He could only smile.

When he walked in through the door of the room she was being kept in, the previous night, she was pacing up and down the room with her IV drip pushed along. When she saw him, she started to cry as he held her and soothed her. She was confused. She had said his name and saw Wendy, but still she thought that maybe she had been taken and not anywhere where he was. He had to sit her down and explain everything he knew. He constantly apologized, explaining why he ignored her. How hard it had been for him because he quickly realized he was in love with her before he confessed.

She had hit him because of that. Hit him because the night he had almost kissed her and he was finally becoming aware of how he felt, was when she knew she loved him too.

Sooyoung heard everything and asked all the questions he thought she would. Even about her grandfather which he knew little of. She asked about her parents and he told her what Namjoon said—that his parents would know more. She was confused and lost. He left her to think things over when Hoseok called for him, he had something to show him, as Jin had said perviously. It had been Dohwan. He was being kept in one of the rooms from the moment he called about how Dohwan found him and Sooyoung out.

He hit him, more times in the stomach than on the face. He still had his knuckles bleed a little from the punches. Jin stopped him and Hoseok held him back, when Jin feared he would have broken a bone on Dohwan. At least, Taehyung had been considerate and did avoid the head. He found out about the previous damage he had left Dohwan with from their first encounter.

"Is this why you all treated me nicely, because Kim Taehyung would hit me?"

Dohwan's words echoed in his mind. They had kept Dohwan comfortable for the sole purpose of all of them knowing, no one but he deserved to hurt him. He didn't know how he felt about that, but it did help his frustrations go away. Enough that when he saw Irene, he didn't feel like hitting her. He didn't want to see her, but that was a given. The state Sehun left her in, was shocking. She looked pale and there were bruises on her face. He could only imagine the bruising on the rest of her body. Jin had been right, she was pitiful more than anything else. She had apologized once again to Sooyoung and just looking at Sooyoung, he knew she had forgiven Irene.

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