xvii: fluttering's

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        "Hey there beautiful."

She was walking towards the library to meet up with Jungkook. She was carrying an Americano in hand, from the text she got it seemed after he dropped Joy off during their date last night—Jungkook drank because he felt like their date could have gone better and didn't. Yerim was there to try to lift his spirits up and say he did just fine. The voice calling to her surprised her. It was Taeyong. Beside him stood his friend Jaehyun, who she just recently started being acquainted with. She stopped and smiled at him.


"I missed you and your face."

She giggled—not clearly understanding why she did, considering she wanted to grimace from his comment—as he pulled her by the forearm. He had texted her last night as well, saying how sorry he was he could not be with her due to a family dinner. She was okay with it. They were still in a sort of "some" stage, and she did like him, but she wasn't sure if she liked him enough to start a relationship with him. She was still young. There were other people out there and she should not settle, right?

"Are you free right now?" he spoke, bringing her back down to the present time due to her mind having wandered.

"No. I'm meeting with Jungkook."

"You're with him too much, don't you think? I'm starting to question your relationship."

"There's nothing going on. He's one of my closest friends." This conversation was irritating her and the mad look in his eyes scared her. This wasn't their first time discussing this, either.

"I'm sorry Yeri, I just like you too much and I'm worried he'll take you from me." She saw how Jaehyun rolled his eyes, they made eye contact and he smiled. It seemed like lately he wanted to tell her something.

"I want to keep my friends and even if we weren't friends, he is my lab partner, and we have schoolwork to do."

"Okay," Taeyong smiled and cupped her face. She tried to shrink back but he brought their lips together before she could react.

Her initial reaction was to pull back and mumble a sorry. It was her first kiss. She wasn't expecting it. She always thought her first kiss would be this romantic moment where she was with the person she liked, under the moonlight and he would slowly lean in—giving her time to mentally prepare and close her eyes before their lips touched. It would be gentle and sweet. The reality was her first kiss was hurried and unexpected. She felt no butterflies. She smiled weakly at the thought and spotted Jungkook outside the library, he was sitting on the stairs and from the looks of it—he had seen everything.

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