xx: you & i

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                 It was somewhat weird to think that he was going to see her again. He was supposed to keep his distance and for the most part, he did. He still was managing to see her anyway. He sighed and looked at the print he had in hands. He was a little reluctant on giving it to his professor but there was honestly no turning back now. 

Yesterday, after getting assigned a new group project with Irene and Kim Myungsoo—they were also told to turn in a sample for the semester project of what they would interpret to be love or equal love and beauty. The teacher asked for one of the shots that would surely be in their project and not a throw away. It was so their classmates could either get inspiration from each other or seethe in jealousy, of their fellow classmate's better talent than theirs. It was said as a joke but not. One thing they were all good at, being envious of each other when it came to certain pictures. 

Taehyung walked in. No one but their professor and Minho were there. Minho smiled at him. Tomorrow he and Irene would be going to an art exhibit at the museum with Minho. That same day he was also meeting with Park Gyuri to go over some wedding photo details. Luckily, they had liked the bridals and he had sent them the bridals about two days ago. 

Minho careful watched him hand his photo and smirked. It was as if he knew a secret. Taehyung tried to ignore his stare.

"Well, Mr. Kim as always you show a great knack for capturing beautiful moments. Is she going to be your model for the project or is this a throw away? With your talent I could see you using this as a throw away." 

Taehyung let out a polite chuckle before replying. "No. This is probably the center of my project and yes. She will be my model."

"Beautiful model, very photogenic." his photography professor complemented Joy and somehow he felt proud of it. 

"I thought Bae Joohyun was your model?" Minho had taken the photo and inspected it. Taehyung did not necessarily like the smile on Minho's face as he inspected the photo. "I've seen her before." 

Taehyung didn't answer or allude to the fact Joy was a student at the university. Instead, he merely shrugged and smiled to them before bowing and leaving. Even though he knew Irene would make another beautiful model, she wasn't his and apparently it was too hard to believe for some.

Just recently, he found out about the rumors of him and Irene being a couple. After all, they did spend quite a lot of time together. He stopped and looked up to the blue, clear sky. The clouds were white and fluffy like cotton balls. Cumulus clouds, that's what they were called . . . or so he hoped. He thought back to what Irene had said about how Joy was going to accept Jin's proposal. Then he thought about how he and Joy met up and he comforted her over Sungjae's death. His heart was broken. He was walking around with a broken heart and no one saw that. Instead, what they saw was him and Irene. 

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