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        "They didn't even try to dispose of the body."

He watched the men not know what to do. They were about ten minutes too late. He sent a text to Chanyeol, letting him know to write a police report. The latter never responded, and he found it odd. He knew this would happen. The moment Taehyung approached him at Jungkook's birthday dinner—he knew. Yook Sungjae was in danger and whatever information he had found was completely wrong but the person who fed and planted that information knew what they were doing. They needed Taehyung's name to go around among the clans.

Yoongi threw a bag across the alley. His fellow officers jumped at his actions. He told Taehyung to keep quiet about Joy just for the heck of it. Something was off. They had a mole in their precinct. If it was found out Taehyung knew Joy, then both would be in trouble. He did it only to protect his friends. He didn't know it would cause a shit storm. He saw how much it affected Taehyung to not even talk to Joy and how her smile wasn't as bright as before. Just recently she had texted him asking if everything was all right with Taehyung.

He didn't stop them from interacting the previous night. He couldn't, not when he felt he played a big part in the rift between them that everyone could feel. Now—dammit now Taehyung really did have to stay away from Joy. If they were together, one would be found. He looked down at his phone. His trump card would have to be used. The information he knew, would have to be used now and he hated bringing them in, although they were already somewhat in. The whole point was to let them not know about the world they lived in. How their lives were interweaving so intricately with the underground world in many ways.

"Who's this Kim Taehyung?" Yoongi turned to the only female officer with them—Amber. "He was holding a paper with his name on it and a target next to his name. I'm guessing he's a person of interest?"

Yoongi took the paper from her and sighed. "No. He's Oh's next target. We need to put some men on him."

He stepped away from all of them. Taking his phone out and making the call he wished he never had to make. The other person answered—with a groggy voice, which let him know that they had been working all night and his call woke them. The "yes" was barely audible and he sighed. It was silent for a beat too long; Yoongi hoped that he wouldn't have to say anything, and the other person would know.

"It happened, didn't it?"

"Yes, his name has gotten out."

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