xxv: secrets

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          The drumming of fingers on a desk filled the room that was otherwise silent. No one dared to tell the young man to stop, even if it was starting to irritate. His patience was running short. Their informant was supposed to be there. The drumming only increased in pace until he slammed both his hands down. The whole weeks prior, he would see him hanging around and today—when he was needed the most, he was late? His patience had disappeared that very moment. Oh, how he would murder the man if he did not need him.

Those beside him jumped when he slammed his hands down. If you were to look at his face, he kept a cool, stoic look. His eyes, almost as if he was bored. Underneath that expression, was a man whose temper was about to explode. Luckily, for everyone at the table, the doors opened up.

A man, who was a little older than the one in charge, came in with a smug look on his face. He wasn't scared. The only time he had ever feared for his life was when he first captured the "lost" girl, deciding that he liked what he saw and wanted a taste before turning her in for his reward. He had not anticipated almost dying that day, leaving him with permanent brain damage, almost useless to the man in front of him. He wasn't, he could at least recall her name and some features that would be useful.

"What do you have?" the man, Sehun, drawled, his bored tone masking the anger.

"I helped narrow it down from your search of hundreds, to these nine." he threw a stack of pictures to the man who leaned forward to look at them all.

He did not recognize any of them, but he also had not seen his supposed betrothed, since she was five years old and he was nine. This was a better start than trying to locate a certain Kim Taehyung, who was the answer to their questions but guarded like no other. Whatever information he wanted of Kim Taehyung, there was none. Sehun was starting to get irritated just hearing the name be spoken. The eyesore who was Sejeong's supposed to be husband.

"You're still pretty useless. Not being able to identify one person you almost deflowered?"

Dohwan for the first time, felt scared in front of the man. No one was supposed to touch what was his. Even if she didn't know it. However, he had known and wanted a taste of a forbidden fruit. He stepped back; he didn't need to stick around. Bowing he made to excuse himself but stopped before he was out the door by the man. Dohwan was no idiot and he knew that Sehun even allowing him to look for Park Sooyoung was nothing short of a miracle, considering his past.

"I have another assignment for you." Dohwan turned on his heel, anticipating the next words. "There's this little bird who is hiding something and I know she is, but she kind of hates me and ignores me the majority of the time. Even though I technically own her by now."

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