xi: fools

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               "Tomorrow's my last free day. Can I take you to the Han River?" Jin was at the door, grasping both her hands in his as he was saying goodbye. Namjoon wasn't far off with Yoongi and Seungwan, waiting for him.

"Yes, I'm not going to lie but not spending time with you is going to be weird."

He laughed joyfully, cupping her cheeks. "You can always text me and whenever I can, I'll make time to see you. I'm not giving up this easily Joy. You haven't fallen for me yet."

She felt her face heating up and her ears burning. Jin stepped back and waved—satisfied with leaving her flustered. Her heart was beating too fast. She had spent almost every day this week with Jin—one way or another. She hadn't lied that it would be weird without him around. He had literally taken the place Taehyung had left vacant. It was a little past two in the morning when the movie ended, and everyone started to leave. Hoseok was the first to go with Jimin, taking a drunk Jungkook who had clung to her leg and professed his love—it was cute seeing him drunk and pouting. He didn't let go until Taehyung shoved him away from her. It was all rather comical.

Stopping, she just recalled not having seen Taehyung leave. She walked back to the doorway and looked to the left. Sooyoung nearly jumped at seeing Taehyung leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed, staring at her with a soft look on his face.

"For a moment there, I thought you forgot I existed." He uncrossed his arms, grabbing a hold of her hand and pulling her closer—her back against the wall as he stood in front—slightly leaning.

"For a moment there I almost did. You're not as memorable as you think, Tae." She teased back, knowing being in front of him was making her heart flutter.

"Lies. I'm the one you remember the most. Aren't I?" she didn't want to admit it he was right—so she kept quiet. Instead, Taehyung loomed over her now—his forearm against the wall—locking her in place. He was staring intently at her. "I missed you, but I feel you're mad at me and I don't think you've told me everything you wanted to."

"Oh, ah ... yeah." It came out barely a whisper. She recalled how before the movie he told her how she was still the number one in his heart. It made her happy—very happy and the feelings she was trying to forget were back. "Tae, what did you mean I'm still number one?"

His stare was making her feel exposed under him. It was as if he could read right through her or trying to. The last time they spoke, he was again like this. Leading her heart astray with his actions and words but then not talking to her for four days. She doubted he meant what he said. Taehyung must likely hated the fact that she was paying more attention to others than him. Her world did not revolve around him. Yet—she fell trap to his words and gave him attention.

Bewilderment #1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now