16- "Good lord Ava."

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Chapter 16

Jimin's POV

I was playing Candy Crush Saga on my phone when I got a text.

From : 8966******

To : 8363******

Hey Jimin! It's Ava here! Mom just texted me saying you thought you saw us at the fan sign event and yep it was me and you could have seen Mia and Zoe too! I can't believe this is all happening. It's crazy enough that we got to attend the fan sign event let alone attend the special one too! Yus I know how crazy and unbelievable that sounds. But yeah I guess this is how things were meant to be! I can't wait to meet you and the other guys!

As soon as I read the message I was super excited and happy that after what seemed to be a lifetime, I was going to meet the girls. 

I quickly called Tae and asked him to come back to the room because I couldn't wait to tell him what Ava had just texted.

Tae came about 5 minutes after I called him and I told him all about the text and showed it to him. He was as excited as I was and he kept jumping around the room. 

He started throwing the pillows at me for god knows why. Nonetheless, it seemed fun so I threw it back at him and we ended up having a pillow fight.

Jungkook who was in the other room walked into our room to see what all the commotion was about. Like you guessed, he started playing with us.

After 10 minutes, we were out of breath and laid down, breathing hard. By this time, we had already told Jungkook that it was Ava, Mia, and Zoe who we had seen at the fan sign event.

"Hey, guys don't you think we need to tell the hyungs as well? They'll be excited too!" Jungkook said. We agreed and made our way to their room.

It was the usual scene. Jin was complaining about something, Hoseok was dancing to 'Touch my body', Suga was watching a basketball game on his phone and Rapmon was writing something.

"Guys! Guess what? It was Ava, Zoe, and Mia who we just saw at the fan sign meet!" I announced, gaining everybody's attention.

"Ava, Mia, and Zoe? Shit! You better not be joking Jimin." Jin said.

"I'm super serious. Here," I said as I handed over my phone to him and he read it aloud.

"Oh my god. I knew that we'd meet them some time but I never thought it would be in this way." Hoseok said.

To be honest, I agreed with him. This was the last way I imagined I'd see them.

The next half an hour was filled with talking, eating, and sleeping.

With each passing second, excitement built up inside me and I couldn't wait to see and hug the shit out of them.

When we were little, we were together all the time. But after we moved countries, we stopped talking to each other completely to a point where it almost seemed like they never existed in our memories. 

Growing up, the only memory of us that kept our friendship alive was the pinky promise that we all made.

 And the black charm. I wear it all the time. 24/7. Even while auditioning I wore it as I believed it was like a lucky charm.

I don't know about the other members but Tae, Jungkook, and I have been wearing the charm ever since we debuted. 

It was always on our neck or wrist or we'd always have it in our pocket. We wore it while taking a shower, rehearsing, practicing, recording, dancing, eating, pooping, sleeping- well, I'm sure you get the point.

While thinking of all this, I slowly fell asleep.

Ava's POV

It was almost time for us to leave the park. Currently, at the moment, Leo was forcing us to take pictures of him so he could post it on his Instagram and apparently "seduce" his female followers.

Honestly speaking, even if Leo posted bad pictures, he'd still manage to seduce the girls. If attractiveness was to exist in a human form, it'd be Leo. 

He was 5'8, had whitish blondish hair which looked perfect even if it was messy and oh those eyes! Don't even get me started.

Mia, Zoe, Ethan, and I were all taking pictures of him and editing them. Honestly, pleasing Leo was so hard. He wanted everything to be perfect. Like him.

Ugh! Annoying.

I was looking around to get the perfect background. Little did I know that at the far end of the park there was a damn swimming pool! Like WHAT?

I knew it was a beautiful country but what I didn't know was that parks looked so pretty and had pools in them?

"Guys over here!" I screamed enough for them to hear me. Soon they came and after talking about how cool the pool was for a good 5 minutes, I asked Leo to sit in front of the pool and lift up his hoodie. 

The timing was perfect and the sun was just setting. The light was incident on his face, giving his face a natural glow.

The picture actually turned out really well and Leo loved it! I ended up doing some last-minute editing and this is how it ended up.

The picture actually turned out really well and Leo loved it! I ended up doing some last-minute editing and this is how it ended up

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"Guys now I want a picture too. I really like this outfit and I haven't taken a picture today." I whined.

"Good lord Ava!" Mia sighed.

I threw her a what's-your-problem look.

"Fine pick a spot," Zoe said.

I didn't want to take a picture in the same place, so I just walked to the walking road. Leo took the picture and honestly it turned out so good!

I must admit, my mouth looked a little awkward. But the posture, the background, the way my hair looked against the wind was perfect so I decided to keep it.

"Damn look at you being a model with those legs!" Zoe teased.

We all laughed and got into the car to go to the hall and meet the guys.

After we were comfortably seated for our 2-minute drive, I got a notification on my screen.


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