55- My mom loves the boys more than she loves her own daughter.

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Chapter 55

"Mom, can I ask you something?" 

"Yes, dear?" Mom replies from the other side of the phone.

"So remember how when we were going to move to Singapore right?" 


"You asked us to not talk to the boys at all and if we did we aren't allowed to watch TV and all?"


"But then you got super excited when Jimin texted you," I tell her as I sip my juice. "Why? It seemed like you hated them,"

Mom lets a short laugh. "The ten of you were really close back then and so were the parents. Our families were best friends but none of you noticed because y'all were too busy playing in the yard. Every time you guys went out to play all our families would meet up for tea," She sighs, as she recalls.

"So why did you ask us to stop talking to them?" I ask.

"Because if we said you guys can never see other again, we know how heartbroken you kids will feel. So we pretended to not like the boys," She sighs.

"Wow," I mumble. "Do you still miss hanging out with their parents?"

"Everyday," She replies. 

"Oh, mom," I say, feeling bad for her.

"Yeah," She sighs. 

"Don't wor-" Before I could finish my sentence, someone snatches the phone from me.

"Hi, mom!" Taehyung screams on the phone. Mom and the seven guys have become really close in the past 6 months and they all call her mom. 

"I miss you too," Tae dramatically sighs. He smiles as he continues talking. "I know," He nods. "Yeah," He laughs. "I love you too mom," He says and hangs up. 

He tosses the phone to me with a smirk and goes back to dancing with the boys. 

"She's my mom!" I yell. "And she doesn't tell me she loves me!" 


"Just today, please," I plead Minjae, who does not look convinced. "You have to practice for your own debut, Ava," He tries to reason.

"But we're done with everything," I whine. He cocks an eyebrow at me, trying to look sassy. "Okay, fine we only have the bridge part to choreograph," I admit. 

Minjae crosses his chest and sharpens his gaze at me. "We also have the chorus left," I mumble. "But please, we really want to see the boys perform on the stage," I put my hands together.

Minjae heaves a heavy sigh, considering to let us go with the boys and watch the performance from backstage.

 "Fine, but after the concert, all of you must come back here. Even if the boys are asking you to eat dinner with them, you're not going with them, you hear me?" He sternly says. "And no matter how crowded it is in the car, you will not take a cab."

"Thank you so much!" I jump in joy and excitedly leave the room, before giving him a short hug, to tell the girls that we're allowed to go to the concert. 

"Take care of the girls!" Minjae yells as I leave the room. "Sure thing," I scream back and run up the stairs.

"Guys, we can go to watch the boys today," I say, out of breath. All their faces immediately lighten up. "When are they leaving?" Sadie asks. I look at my watch. "Shit," I whisper. 

I raise my head to see the girls who are looking at me questioningly. "In ten minutes," I reply and that's all it took for everybody to run to their rooms and get ready.

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