68- "You can hang this in the Christmas tree,"

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Chapter 68

Taehyung's POV

"I take bomb pictures but your arrogant ass just doesn't want to accept facts," She half shrugs, leaning against the wall, her legs stretched out. 

"The only reason why your pictures look bomb-," I air quote the word 'bomb', "is because this-," I point to my face," looks appealing," I crack my knuckles and hug my knees. Ava throws me a disgusted look.

"Nobody can take pictures better than me," She confidently says and moves closer to me. "Look at this."

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"This picture screams boyfriend material!" She exclaims in frustration as I continue shaking my head to tease her.

"Look at that white shirt, that tousled hair, that little smile, oh my goodness," She says to herself and falls to the floor and starts to fan herself.

"You're more dramatic than half girls I've met in my life," I hit her leg. "Please, you've haven't even met those many girls," She dismissively waves her hand. 

"You'd be surprised," I scoff. She clicks her tongue, continuing to swipe through pictures. "Aren't you going to say something?" I ask, drawing circles on the sole of her foot in attempts to tickle her.

"I'm too concentrated on looking at these pictures to be paying attention to the crap you say," She chuckles. "Looking at pictures is more important than talking to me?" I ask.

"You wouldn't be asking that if you knew what I was looking at," She slowly says. Instead of asking her what she's looking at, I lovingly pat her head.

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything," I kiss the side of her head. "Mm," She mutters, her lower lip jutting out, exactly how it is every time when she's concentrated on something.

I walk to the kitchen, devouring on kimchi that mom made while looking at some videos on my phone.

"Oh really?" Ava asks and before I ask what she's talking about, I realize she's talking on her phone. "Yeah mhm," She nods, pulling out the barstool next to me. "Mm, I remember," I feed her a spoon full of kimchi. "Yeah," She says, chewing.

"Alright, I'll be there. Tomorrow evening at five," She says and hangs up. "What's up?" I ask her as I play with the spoon. With a grin she says, "We have an investor," She grabs the jar from me and eats the rest of the kimchi.

"Wait that's amazing!" I exclaim, hugging her sideways. "I know," She squeals in joy. "It's been only 2 weeks since the debut and we already have 2 investors, including the one before the debut," She shakes her head.

"I told you, you guys would do amazing," I tell her with a smile. "Whatever," She swallows and gulps down a glass of water. "When are you taking me out on that date?" She asks, wiping her mouth with the sleeve of my shirt.

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