26- "Don't you dare crash it."

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Chapter 26

Oliver and Leo continue talking for a few more minutes before they turn their attention to me. All I learned from their 5- minute conversation was that Oliver is Leo's younger sister's, boyfriend's cousin. 

Apparently Oliver moved to Singapore a couple of months ago to start his own business. He's 22 years old and he studied at Texas State University.

"So what're you doing after this?" Leo asks Oliver.

"I came here to meet a friend and I was supposed to check for a new apartment after this."

"What happened to the one you were already staying at?" Leo asks.

"The landlord increased the rent and without having a real job, it's kind of hard to pay so much," Oliver chuckles and ruffles his hair in embarrassment.

"Hey, I got an idea. I don't know if you're cool with it but you can stay at my place for some time until you find an apartment," Leo says all of a sudden, surprising both me and Oliver.

"Dude you don't have to do that really," Oliver replies but from the tone of voice, it's evident that it's half-hearted. Leo must have noticed too because he kept insisting and finally Oliver gave up.

"Okay then. Whatever you say, mate," He throws his hands up in defeat. "I'll just hang around in the basement." We all laugh and then debate what to do.

"Hey, Oliver we didn't have a great start. I'm really sorry about how I talked to you in the store. I wasn't being my best self," I tell him.

"Ava! Don't worry about it, and I'm sorry too. I was being cocky," He replies with a smile. "I'm glad we're on the same page," I laugh and he pulls me into a half hug.

We then make our way to Chipotle and hang around for a while before we go to Oliver's apartment and move his stuff to Leo's place. 

Oliver said that he didn't have much - only a couch that unfolds into a bed, a refrigerator, a television, and a few dishes. He lives a pretty basic life if you ask me.

After finishing at Chipotle, we then go to Starbucks because I really wanted some caffeine in my system because I haven't had any since morning.

Throughout the entire trip, I got to know that Oliver has a girlfriend named Kate. She's 2 years younger than him and they met at university. 

They've been going out for 3 years now. Kate is now a model who lives in Texas and he showed us some pictures and she looks stunning.

Oliver is going to ask her hand in marriage after he sets up his own business, which, at the most will take around 6 months. 

He looked really excited talking about her and his eyes were filled with admiration. The whole time he was talking about her, the only thing I could think of was,

Does Ethan look like that when he talks about me? Is his voice filled with that much love? Do his eyes always look that dreamy when he thinks of me? Hell, does he even think about me anymore?

"Ava!" Oliver shakes me by my shoulder, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah what's up?" I ask with my eyebrows raised.

"We're gonna go over to my apartment for some time and then I'm gonna move. Do you wanna come with us or-"

"No no you guys go ahead. I think I'm going home. I have some work that I have to attend to." I reply truthfully. I completely forgot that Taehyung said we'd start practice today.

I had to go home and shower and then pick up Zoe and Mia and then drive to the address that he had sent me. It was some dance studio that he rented for a couple of weeks.

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