40- Dreams, Celebrations and Jungkook's crush

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Chapter 40

"Taehyung is here?" Jimin asks in a confused tone. I nod and hurriedly run to the bedroom with Jimin on my heels.

He's sitting upright on the bed, panting heavily with beads of sweat running down his forehead, despite the fact that both the fan and AC is turned on.

"Hey, what happened?" I ask with concern. He continues looking right ahead. Jimin shakes him by his shoulder and Tae's head snaps to his direction. His arms fling around Jimin and he tightly holds him for a few seconds.

I go to the kitchen to get some water and Tae gulps it one sip. Jimin and I give each other confused looks. "That was one hell of a nightmare," Tae whispers and rubs his forehead. 

"You want to go back to sleep?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "The only time I don't think of Venus is when I sleep but today I ended up dreaming about her." He says.

I'd be lying if I say that it didn't affect me. I don't know why it did, but it hurt like hell. But, like always I push my feelings away because they don't matter.

Jimin decides that it'd be best if Tae goes back to his room and hangs around with the other guys. They also had to shoot for a BTS Run episode so they had to go over the scripts.

"Take care of him," I say softly to Jimin, to which he nods with a smile. "I got this," He says in his heavenly voice.


"Guys, the final list is out," Namjoon excitedly says, and we all run to the computer. The boys, Mia, Zoe, and I are at Namjoon's room waiting for the list on the official website.

We would have pressed the refresh button at least fifty times. Before I start looking at the names, I carelessly look at them and see that there are only ten. I sigh heavily and look through the names one by one. And there it was.

1. Mia Edwards

2. Zoe Edwards

3. Ava Blackwood

4. Samara Kim

5. Bella Smith

6. Sadie Cohen

7. Amaya Ellison

8. Naomi Harlow

9. Esme Avery

10. Bree Carlson

"Oh my fucking god!" Mia and Zoe scream and start jumping up and down. "We did it! Holy shit! Bring me my phone! I gotta call mom!

My heart starts thumping quickly and I whisper a "fuck yeah".

"I told you," Jimin shrugs as he walks towards me. "I'm so relieved," I reply and he pulls me in for a hug.

"Shouldn't you be giving hugs to Mia?" I laugh. "I already did," He whispers. "You're gonna shoot you're shot? I ask him, wiggling my eyebrows with a playful smirk.

"I'm going to shoot my shot only if she doesn't date Leo," He states. "I have no business in being a homewrecker," I laugh at his reply. 

"So you're not one of those bad boys huh?" I ask. "Nope," He says. "Never was, never will be," 

"Could have fooled me," I chuckle. "Congratulations Ava!" Tae cheerfully says as he hugs me tightly. Let's just say they were one of the best hugs ever. "Thanks," I shyly say and tug a strand of hair behind my hair.

"This calls for a party!" Jhope declares. "Okay, dance room, at 8 o clock," Suga says and we agree. "Bring your own drinks," Jin screams and we shake our heads. 

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