35- Dinner, Coffee, and Fifty Shades of Grey

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Chapter 35

"Leo?" I ask, my voice barely coming out as a whisper. When his eyes met mine, I could see how petrified he was by this entire situation.

"Is it true? What Oliver's saying?" I ask him slowly.

He doesn't say anything and looks back at the floor. He then shakes his head and looks at Oliver.

"This is a fucking joke right?" He yells.

Oliver starts laughing but covers it up with a fake cough and I look at him with my eyebrows raised. Oliver then started laughing out loud, holding his stomach. He was laughing so hard, his eyes started getting watery. After a good 5 minutes, he manages to get himself together. "Those were meant for Leo. It was a prank and Ava wasn't supposed to take them."

Mia, standing near me let out a long sigh. "Fuck me." She mutters and walks out of the living room, followed by Zoe and Ethan.

Leo walks towards Oliver and eyes him up and down. "One more time and I'm kicking you out."

Oliver puts his hands in the air. "What, none of y'all can take a joke?"

Leo gives him one last stare and walks out. I throw Oliver an 'are-you-being-for-real' look and head to the kitchen to get some water.

"Hey, Kate broke up with me." He casually says and I spit out the water.

"Slow down there." He chuckles. I look at him and he shows no sign of being mad at me. I sip my water as I continuously scan his face for any kind of anger but couldn't find any.

"Thanks, by the way. She told me it was because of you. Don't really remember what she exactly said. I was excited that she broke up with me, I couldn't pay attention to anything else." He smiles.

"And you're not mad at me why?" I ask him.

"Because I'm relieved. She was a bitch to me anyway." He shrugs and grabs the bottle from my hand and sits on the island table.

"What do you mean she's a bitch? I thought you wanted to marry her?" I ask him, confused. "Of course I said that to you. You think I'm going to go around telling everybody who I just met that my relationship is failing?"

"Oh," I reply and place my elbows on the table, not knowing what to tell him exactly. "Don't worry about it too much. We'll talk about this later. Get some sleep." He smiles and abandons the water bottle and heads to his room, leaving me even more confused.


My phone started ringing and I slowly wake up and rub my eyes. I attend the call and place the phone to my ear.

"Hey, ma," I say with a smile.

"Hey, sweet pea." She replies. "I was thinking the girls, boys, and you could come home for dinner? It's been a long time since I talked to them."

"Yeah sure. Ethan and Leo were going to have a sleepover at my place anyway. And that's okay right?" I ask her, just in case she had a problem.

"Oh no, Ava. I meant the other boys too."

"Who, BTS?" I ask, uncertain.

"Yes, sweet pea."

"But Ma, so that's 14 in total. Do we have enough room for all of us?" I joke.

"Don't worry about it, I'll take care."

"Alright then. What time does the dinner start?"

"I think 8 should be fine." She says after a few seconds. "No wait, make that 7."

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