27- Impractical Jokers, Sandwich and Nutella

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"There's no way in hell I'm doing an individual audition," I wailed for the hundredth time.

Before Tae could say anything, I stopped him. "No whatever it is that you're going to say, I don't care and I mean it. I won't do a solo performance. Ask Mia or Zoe do it! Why should I be the one putting in so much hard work? I thought we were a team." I ranted.

"Uh, Ava?" Tae asked, with his eyes showing a hint of confusion.

"What?" I ask out of annoyance.

"Mia and Zoe will have to individually audition too," He says, making my eyebrows raise.

I let out a huge breath and run my fingers through my greasy hair, clearly embarrassed about how I acted without bothering to know the facts.

"The group dance is to see if you guys are coordinated and compatible enough to be put in one group. Individual auditions are too see if you're good enough to become an idol." He continues.

I nod slowly and an unknown fear starts building up inside of me. I start biting my nails out of nervousness and savor the taste of my nails in my mouth. 

Before I could move on to my next finger, Tae slaps my hand away, causing me to glare at him.

"You don't have to be scared. We have time to train." He says coolly and goes back to his phone.

Tae and I were currently at my house and after he asked me if we could watch the movie together, I couldn't say no to those puppy eyes and the killer smile. 

We finished watching the movie and watched Impractical Jokers for some time. I had so much fun laughing at the show but I'm not sure if Tae did because every time something funny happened, I would laugh so hard and start hitting Tae. 

Occasionally he'd push me away and I'd fall off the couch and still continue laughing, while some other times, he'd continue laughing with me.

After that, we talked about the audition process and I died when he said that along with the group auditions, we will have to individually audition too.

I didn't know if I should dance or rap because they're both my strongest suits.

"Oh, by the way, I think you should do something besides dancing because you're already pretty good at it." He winks, and I'm positive that I slightly blush because I felt my cheeks becoming warm.

"Okay then, rapping it is," I state and the second I say that Tae puts away his phone and looks at me straight into my eyes.

I give him a confused look before saying, "Creepy much?" And let out a nervous giggle.

"You can rap?" He finally asks after a few minutes. He sounds very interested and surprised.

"Yeah," I tell him as I grab a sandwich from the fridge. "Participated in rap battles in high school with guys."

"That is so cool!" He says, with his eyes gleaming in excitement.

I chuckle and before I could take a bite out of my sandwich, Tae grabs it from my hand and runs to the hall.

"Son of a sandwich, "I mutter and start chasing him.

He's faster than I thought and after a good 15 seconds of chasing, I gave up and carelessly plopped down on my couch. 

I see Tae entering the hall from the corner of my eye. I angle my head to face him and my face drops when he takes a bite of it and lets out a small moan.

Anger swells up inside of me and I storm towards him and instead of running away, he stands rooted to his spot and continues eating while looking at me with a mischievous smirk.

As I reach closer, my pace becomes slower and I put both my hands on either side of Tae. His eyes widen and his jaw almost drops. I stare at him intensely and I could feel the tension raised in the air. 

I trace his jawline with my finger and bite my lower lip. I inch closer to him and put my lips close to his ear and whisper seductively,

"Listen, babe. Nobody messes with my sandwich."

And with that, and I forcefully kick him on his abdomen and he drops my sandwich and before it falls, I catch it. Feeling extremely proud of what I did, I quickly gobble the sandwich before he could try something else.

Tae continues standing there, with his gaze fixed on the floor, still shocked by everything that happened. He clears his throat and walks to the fridge. 

My eyes follow him and I almost curse when he takes a jar of Nutella and then grabs a spoon from the cabinet.

He walks to the couch and sits on the other side while licking the spoon. I continue looking at him as he eats from the jar, not bothering to even ask me if I wanted some.

"I want some too," I tell him, with a pout, trying to act cute.

"That doesn't work with me." He replies with an emotionless tone.

Of course, it doesn't. Who am I kidding?

"But it's my food."

"It's mine now."

"What makes you think that?"

"I don't have to tell you."

"You're being impossible." I sink in the couch.

My face immediately brightens when he brings the jar near me. I almost grab it before he moves it farther.

I keep leaning forward and it takes me a few seconds to realize that I'm so close to his face, I can feel his hot breath.

I make eye contact with him and my heart starts pounding. I'm about to move away but before I could do so, he snakes his arm around my waist and I'm literally sitting on him now.

My heart starts slamming against my ribcage and I feel my blood become hot. My mouth goes dry and I can't breathe.

He runs his finger up my arm and he rubs circles on my cheek with this thumb.

His touch sent chills up my spine and I get goosebumps. He's wearing his signature smirk and I can't help but look his lips.

So plump and pink. If only...

My mind is completely blank and I'm feeling a mix of emotions. If looks could kill, I'd be dead.

I can feel him staring at me and I raise my eyes from his lips to his eyes, only to look at him, looking at my lips.

I purse my lips and bite the inside of cheeks to prevent myself from letting out a moan. I'm caught off guard when his lips brush my ears.

Bold, I make the next move. I run my fingers through his hair, while my other hand tightly clasps his shirt. I can feel his muscles tighten and I can hear him gulp.

With his hoarse, sexy and deep voice, he whispers,

"Don't tempt me, baby. Nobody messes with me."


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