New Students Part 2

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It was now lunch Lauren, Dinah and I went to my locker to wait for Camila. "Hey puta!?" Camila shouted skipping to me. "Hey my Nugget" I teased and she pouted. "anyway meet my-our new friends. This is Ally and Normani" Camila interdused the two girls standing behind her.

"nice to meet you I'm Y/N" I said stretching out my hand. I was surprised when they both pulled me into a hug. "sorry were huggers" Ally lauged. I smiled. "it's okay-oh right this is Lauren and that's Dinah. Guys this is my best friend Camila." I said.

They both said hi and Camila gave them both cola hugs "your eyes are so pretty!" Camila squiled and Lauren blushed. "ok that's enough" I said getting a little jealous and pulling Camila off Lauren. I looked at my new friends and they all had smirks on there faces. "what?" I asked. "oh nothing" Dinah said.

"come on guys let's go for lunch I'm hungry!" Camila whined. "Camila when are you not hungry?" all the girls laughed at Camila. Camila pouted, arms folded over her chest and walked of. "stop being such a baby" I said she flipped me of.

Me and the girls walked into the cafeteria. I took my usual seat as the girls all sat down. Camila on the other hand just walked past use her arms still folded over her chest. I rolled my eyes "ill be right back" I stood up and walked after Camila. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.

She stared squirming trying to get loose but I just tighten my grip. "Y/N put my down!" Camila shouted will hitting my back. I hit Camila on her butt. "Camila shut up and stop acting like a baby" I said and she just groaned. I got back to our table and sat Camila down next to me and Dinah.

"good girl" I teased patting Camila's head. Camila just huffed and crossed her arms over her chest again. "wow your strong" Dinah said. "nah Camila waighs like a feather" I shrugged. "but I am pretty strong though" I said flexing my muscles. Camila just rolled her eyes and i chuckled.

"so let's get to know one another" I said and they all agreed. "ok I'll go first. The names Y/N as you already know, I'm 16, bisexual and still single I'm an only child my parents died when I was 14 so I live alone in my parents huge house with know family, I'm the badass of this school for some reason and people are terrified of me, I love the colors black, blue and I think green is my new favorite color and..... Oh and I love wolf's." I finished of and looked at a blushing Lauren.

" I'm Dinah Jane, but you can call me Dj, queen B or Beyonce. I'm 17 year old but unfortunately I'm taken by Normani kordei. I'm an only child I live with these guys. I love food so don't eat my food with out my permission. I love to party and have fun. And I don't have a favorite color" Dinah said

" oh so yous all know each other? " I ashes." yeah we technically grew up together" Dinah said. Everyone told something about them selfs but Lauren. We all looked at her as she was already looking at me. " Lauren your staring" Normani whispered in Lauren's ear. Lauren cleared her throat and started talking.

" Lauren jauregui. I'm 18 years old. I'm gay and single. I have two siblings a younger sister Taylor and a older brother Chris. I love the color blue. I love horror movies and I love horses" Lauren said still looking at me her eyes were now a shade of gray and blue wich I found really pretty.

I looked away as Dinah stared a conversation. We sat and talked getting to know each other more. I looked to my left and saw Lauren was still eyeing me. Which made me wander what's she thinking about. I got snapped out of my thoughts when her eyes flashed from red and back to green. Which I found cool and scary at the same time.

"hmm?" she hummed in response.
"can I ask you a question?"
"yeah sure" she said
"um. I was wondering why your eyes always flash a different color?" I asked the table went quite as everyone looked at me then Lauren. Was that a bad question or something? I asked myself.

"What do you mean?" Lauren asked.
"your eyes it flashed to the color red and back to its original color. Which is cool but people's eyes don't change to red" I said as everyone was now looking at Lauren. "um... I... I don't really know?" she said but it came out more as a question. " ok" I shrugged it of.

The bell rang and we all got up and threw our trash away. "hey guys what class do yous have now?" Camila asked. "I have art" they all said in unasin. " I have art to so let's go" I said. They all nodded and we started walking to art.
We got there early so the class was still empty.

We all sat down in the last row and started talking. I looked to my right and once again Lauren was staring at me with bright green eyes. I blushed and looked away hiding my now red face. I looked back up to see Lauren smirking at me. I looked away when students stared to fill up the empty seats. We all stopped talking whenthe second bell rang and the teacher walked in.

"right class let's get started" the teacher said setting some papers down on his desk. Everyone stared taking out there notebooks and a pen or pencil. Art class went by pretty quick so did the next few periods. Me and the girls went to our lockers and put everything away since we didn't get any homework today.

We all decided to meet up at my locker. "hey puta. I was wondering if we could have a sleepover at your place?" Camila asked Leaning against my locker as the rest of the girls came walking to us. "if it's cool with the girls." I said. " yeah I'll ask them" Camila said happily and talked to the girls. She looked back at me then smiled. "they said yes, since it's Friday and they have nothing to do"

"ok then let's go. You need a ride home little Nugget?" I asked. "stop calling me Nugget!" she said slapping my arm. "ok. So you don't need a ride home" I said walking of. "No! I am your little Nugget!" Camila shouted pulling me and the girls all laughed. "good girl. Let's go I have a sleepover to prepare" I said and we walked to our cars and said our goodbyes.

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