Chapter 42

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Lauren's Pov.

It's been, 3 weeks and today is the blood moon fight. And I'm so nervous. What if I don't win this? Then I have to Mate with that dick Bread and leave Y/N, what if my father decides to kill her?

"Lauren! Lauren!" I heard Lia shout as she ran down the stairs. "what? What's wrong?" I asked her. "it's Y/N, somethings wrong with her, I'm scared" Lia panicked.

"ok, calm down, where is she?" I asked. "in your and her room" she said and I nodded my head running up the stairs and into the shared room. Y/N was laying on the bed, holding her stomach and groaning with her eyes shut tightly.

"Y/N baby what's wrong?" I asked as I ran to her. She opened her eyes and her eyes were, glowing a bright, but beautiful purple. Wtf?


"baby, what's wrong?" I asked panking. "M-my s-s-stomach it hurts!" she growled out. "ok, OK, I'll call Lucy" I said and grabbed her hand and with my free hand I got my phone and called Lucy.

Y/N sqeasted my hand tightly making me whimper. Damn, she's strong. "Lauren, it fucking hurts!" she yelled then the door flew open revealing the girls, Troy and a scared looking Lia.

"what happened!" they asked as they came running to Y/N's side. "I don't know, Lia came and called me saying some thing's wrong with Y/N, and when I got here she was like this, saying her stomach hurts" I rushed out tears in my eyes due to the pain of Y/N squeezeing my hand and the pain raydeating off of Y/N.

"what should we do?" they asked. "I don't know, I called Lucy and she said she'll be here in a few minutes" I told them. "LAUREN!!!" Y/N screamed tears in her eyes as she squeezed my hand.

"I don't know what to do" I panicked. "what's going on?" I heard a voice at the door and there Lucy was standing in the door way panting with her medical box in hand. "i-I don't know.....Y-Y/N...."i stuttered out.

Lucy came to the bed and bent down to Y/N's level. " P-please t-take the P-pain away!" Y/N cried out. " I need you all to the leave the room. She and the girls and Troy nodded their heads hesitantly, but left. "not you Lauren, you need to be here" she said and I nodded my head.

"what's wrong with her?" I asked and Lucy pointed to the wet spot on the bed, that I didn't notice. "her water broke" she said as she put, her gloves on. "what!?" I exclaimed. "she's having the baby now!?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"but it's only been 3 months!" I said. "yeah, I'm just as shocked as you are" Lucy said as she set everything up, while I kept Y/N's hand in mine. I looked at the time and it was 7:00, the fight is at 8:00 that's when the blood moon shines on its brightest.


I can't leave her here.

"and you won't, you have to stay here with your mate, till she gives birth" my wolf, Azrael said. "I know, I know, and I will" I told him.

"Y/N, your ganna have to open you legs for me" Lucy said threw the smask she was wearing. "UGH!" Y/N growled out, her eyes wide open. Lucy's eyes was wide open, when she saw the colour of Y/N'S eyes.

"omg" Lucy mumbled in pure shock. "why are her eyes purple?" she asked me. "I don't know" I said. "ok" Lucy said as she took a deep breath opening Y/N's legs. When Y/N's legs where open and up. Lucy stood in front of her.

"ok, your ganna have to push for me, ok?" Lucy told her in a calm voice, Y/N nodded her head. "now push" Lucy said and Y/N started to push. "UGH!" Y/N creamed as she pushed, whiles squeezing my hand.

OK. This chapter was kinda weird when I read over it.
But anyway enjoy. 🏳️‍🌈


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