Chapter 32

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The next morning I woke with worm arms wrapped around my waist. I tried to free myself from Lauren's grip but she only held me tighter.

I huffed then turned around to look at the time, to see that it was only 10 in the morning and Lauren and the others start training at 12.

I looked down at Lauren and no matter what she always looks hot with out even trying. Damn. How did I get this lucky? I leaned forward and placed a kiss on her for head then her cheek then her lips, then down to her jawline.

"baby" I said as I kissed all over her face. "baby, wake up" I kissed her on her neck. "Lauren" I shook her little when she didn't move or give a answer. I huffed then started to poke her sides.

She stared to shift so I continued to poke her sides. Lauren groaned when I poked her sides harder and started to move to get away from me.

She turned her back with a huff, but still didn't open her eyes. I rolled my eyes and climed on top of her. "Lauren" I said cupping her cheeks then brought her in for a kiss. She wrapped her arms around me and flipped us over.

It happened so fast that I squiled when my back hit the soft mattress. "Lauren" I whined and she looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "come on you need to get up, it's almost 12" I told her and she looked at the time.

"do we really have to train today?" she asked. "yes, now get your ass up, so I can beat it" I said. "pff, there's know you can beat me in a fight" she said as she got off of me.

"we'll see, smart ass" I teased as I to got up and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and tied my hair in a messy bun then walked out of the bathroom to put on something more comfortable.

"Com on Hurry up Lo, or are you scared that you'll get your ass beat by me?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. "oh please, dont be to cocky" she said as she walked into the bathroom.


Me and Lauren walked down the stairs at about 11 to eat breakfast. When we got to the kitchen, everyone was already at the table eating breakfast. "why are you guys all smiley today?" Normani pointed out.

I shrugged my shoulders and took a seat, Lauren right next to me. "just in a good mood I guess" I shrugged. "or you guys did the nasty last night" Dinah said and I chocked on my apple juice.

"Dinah!" Ally exclaimed. "Dinah, I'm eating" I whined. "why, didnt you eat already?" Dinah said with a smirk. "your disgusting you know that, we're literally eating Dinah" I told her.

"well you kinda ate something way better" Dinah side as she siped on her coffee. "disgusting" I said then stood up with my plate and walked into the living room. "you can't hid the truth from me Y/N!" Dinah shouted.

"OW!" I heard Dinah yell and I chuckled thanking the person who just gave her a smake. I sat down on the couch eating my breakfast, when someone I haven't seen in months came and sat right in front of me wagging her tale.

"Lia!" I said putting my bowl down then petting her head. "Lia where have you been all this time?" I asked, but she didn't answer, I guess she doesn't know how to talk or shift back.

"hey Lia" Camila said as she came in the living room. "I haven't seen Lia in a while now" Camila side as rubbed Lia's head. "yeah I haven't ether"

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