Chapter 9

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Lauren Pov

School ended and the girls and I went home. I couldn't say bye to Y/N because my dad called us saying once school ended we needed to be at home ASAP. Being the future Alpha of the pack isnt hard it's just all the responsibilities I have, sometimes I don't even have time for myself.

I only get sometime for myself when I'm at school and when my dad is running the pack. We got back to the pack lands and one of the guards escorted me and Dinah to meet up with my father. Where the elders, Alpha, Beta and Luna are.

We got to an open field my. Everyone stood up bowing there heads to me in a sign of respect. I nod my head and they all sat down. "ok let start this meeting" my father said. "this meeting is about Lauren the future Alpha" my dad said sighing.

OK he sounds stressed. Did I do something wrong? Was it because I went to a sleep over at a humans house? Well if that's the problem he shouldn't be mad. I asked him can I sleepover at a friend's house and he gave me permission. I thought to myself.

"yeah now what about me?" I asked since no one said anything. "this is about you not having your Mate yet. Lauren your 18 and you still haven't found your mate. I'm sorry to say this but I'm ganna have to force you to Mate with another wolf" my dad said.

"WHAT!?" I shouted standing up. "Lauren calm down" my mother said calmly "no I wont! Dad can't do that. He can't force me to Mate someone who is not my mate!" I shouted, my eyes a glowing gold, my fangs on display.

"Lauren relax" Dinah said. "no Dinah what my father is doing is wrong. How would you like it if someone had to force you to Mate with someone who's not Mani!" I shouted Dinah backed up bowing her head.

"Lauren I'm sorry but I have to do what I have to do. All the elders agreed with this" my dad said calmly but I could see he was holding his wolf back. I looked at the elders and growled at them causing them to whimper and bow there head.

"I won't Mate with anyone but my mate! And that's final!" I shouted. "Lauren calm down and listen to me! You will do as I say! I am still the Alpha of this pack!" my dad shouted in his Alpha tone. His gold eyes staring into mine.

My dad shifted into his wolf form. He started walking tawords me growing in me face but I didn't back down. My father stood tall against me. 'you will do as I say. As I am your Alpha!' my dad mind linked me growling. I shifted in my wolf form.

My wolf telling me to bow down. My human telling me to not back down. I started bowing my head slowly nealing down as my father growled in his Alpha tone.' bow down Lauren!' my father Growled 'NO!'

I growled at my father standing up. 'I will not Mate with anyone but my mate even if this means becoming a roug!' I growled at my dad towering over him. My father stared backing up still growling at me.

I Walked tawords him slowly growling in my Alpha tone. ' I will not Mate with Bradley Simpsons because he is a male, I was born intersex and he is not my mate. And if you don't aproove I will leave this pack and you can find yourself a new Alpha or you want to do this a different way!'

I growled at my father making him shrink in front of me. His tale between his leg, ears prested flat on his head, his head bowd down as he layed on the ground whimpering.' we will do this another way, because this is my pack and I'm still the alpha' my father said in a low voice.

"Lauren honey calm down please" my mother said from behind my father. I looked at my mother and backed up from my father. 'I have found my mate. But she's a human' I said sighing. 'what you can not Mate with a human it's against the pack rules!' one of the elders said standing up.

'it's against your rules. The moongoddest doesn't think it's against the rules if she herself made my mate human!' I growled at the elder and she bowed her head. 'she's ether ganna have to fight for the thrown or leave this pack!' anther wolf shouted.

'oh no I am not leaving this pack. I will fight for the thrown, because I am not ganna back down. Your going to have to deal with the fact that my mate is a female and is a human and that's finally!' I growled at the elders they all gowed there heads

' this meeting is over!' I said then walked away not spearing them a second glance.' Dinah let's go' I said 'right behind you Ralph' Dinah said troding behind me. We stared running till we were back at the pack house and shifted back.

"Damn Laur that was intense. Did you see your dad? He was whimpering Laur. Whimperinb with his tale between his legs." Dinah said and I chuckled. "yeah he was so scared, he couldn't even look at me" I said.

"so does this mean your going to have to fight your father to be Alpha?" Dinah asked as we walked into the pack house. "guess so, if I want Y/N as my Luna" I sighed sitting down on the couch Dinah sitting beside me.

"well I know for sure that you'll win" Dinah said her hand on my shoulder. "of course I will have you seen how I towered over my father" I said chuckling remembering how scared my father looked just minutes ago.

"hey guys, what did your father want from you two?" Normani asked Ally following behind her. They sat down opposite us. I sighed and looked at Dinah. She nodded her head and stared explaining everything that just happened between me and father.

"yeah then Mike was on the ground tale in between his legs whimpering in fear. Everyone was bowing in fear as Lauren stood over the Alpha" Dinah said. "Damn Laur didn't now you'd get the Alpha, you father to whimper in fear" Normani said.

"so what's ganna happen to Y/N?" Ally asked for the first since they got here. "I'm gana have to tell her and show her everything, because knowing my father he'll go after Y/N if he can't get me to Mate with another wolf" I said getting angry of the thought that my father would hurt Y/N.

"don't worry Ralph we'll help you protect Y/N, your and our future Luna. Including Camila just in case your father goes after her too since she's always with Y/N" Dinah said and the girls agreed. I smiled at my best friends.

"thanks guys" I said and they all attracted me in a group hug.

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