The Bloodmoon Fight-P4

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"well, your father's is back, and his pissed, when he got to your mates house, know one was there, there wasn't even a sent of anyone being there" my mother said as she walked in.

"so she's safe" I mumbled. "actually, she's coming to save you" I heard my brothers voice as he walked in looking outside the cell, to make sure know one was there.

"Chris!" my mother said and brought him into a hug. "what do you mean she coming to save me?" I asked him. "she doesn't want to leave you behind" he said. "so where is she?" I asked him.

He looked around him and came closer to me. "she's at the waterfall, with the vampires, Lana's pack and a few of the wolf's who decided to ran away from this pack" he whispers.

I nodded my head and smiled a little bit, thinking of seeing my mate again, but frowned just thinking, of her getting hurt. "don't worry, this pack doesn't stand a chance, seeing that Lana's pack is the third biggest pack and the vampires are with her.

And a few of our pack members are with her, making this pack weak" Chris said and I smiled nodding my head. "where's Logan and Lia?" I asked. "who's Logan and Lia?" he asked. "my kids" I told him and he looked shocked.

"you have pups?" he asked. "yea" , I said and he smiled. "I'm a uncle!" he cheered. "you should go, before your father comes back" my mother said and he nodded his head. "bye sis, see you soon" he said before giving me a hug and running out of the cell.

I sighed and sat down. "don't worry, your Mate will be OK, plus she has the upper paw, she's the queen and she has the vampires with her and some of our WereWolfs and Lana's pack with her" my mother told me as she ran her hand through my hair.

"I hope so"



"take her of her ok" I told Lia as I gave her and Logan a kiss on their foreheads. "and you take care of them" I told  the 3 WereWolfs who will be watching over my pups, the female is a Beta, the two males are Deltas. The female rolled her eyes at me and I growled at her disrespect to me. She whimperd and bowed her head.

"Y/N, let's go" Dinah called out to me, I nodded my head and ran after her.


Lauren's POV.

"you know on second thought, maybe I should just rid of you, you actually a disappointment, to the pack" my dad said as he walked in. "Michael, you can't kill your own daughter" my mother warned. "shut it Clara! You might be my mate, but with out me your just an Omega" my father shouted.

"you don not shout at my mother like that!" she shouted standing up. "you, stay down and shut up!" my father said then kneed me in my face. "Michael!" my mother shouted as she grabbed his arm pulling him back.

My father turned around and hit my mother, my Mather fall back holding her cheek. "you fucking asshole!" I shouted got up, I growled at him, my eyes glowing gold at him. "Gards!" my father showed and two of his Gards came in. "get the musel and the chain to go around her neck" he ordered and the Gard nodded there head and left the cell.

"your head will be mine, pup" my father said and left the room. "mom" I called out. "I'm right here, I won't let anyone hurt I promise" my mother said as she came to me. I held her tightly. I looked up when the cell doors open reavlealing the two Gards one holding a musel the other holing a thik chain.

I growled at them, but they both had smirks on there faces. "stay the fuck away from me!" I growled again this time showing them my fangs and red eyes. These are delta Gards, they were deltas, but even the Rank of a Gard.

I shifted into my wolf form, when they still walked tawords me. I was about to attack the one Gard, but albowd me. The other Gard came and put the musel on me, when the musel was on he put the chain around my neck. "not so tough are you know Alpha" he said with a smirk. I growled as the other Gard pulled my mother away.

He came back and they unlocked the chain that were on my paws. He picked the chain up and tried to pull me, but I sat down. They both pulled me, but I refused to move as they pulled my out of the room.

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