Chapter 49.

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6 years later.

Lauren's Pov.

"mummy! Where's mama?" Logan shouted loudly. "she'll be here later, with the new baby" I told her. "but I don't want another brother or sister, we already have Noah, and he's annoying" Logan said and crossed her arms over her arms.

"Hey! I'm not annoying, your annoying" Noah my son said. He's only 5. I laughed at there childishness. "see Mummy" Logan said pointing at Noah. Logans only 6, yea, we got another baby after Logan turned 1 and we're having another one.

Noah stuck his tough out to his sister and Logan chased him, he ran away shouting for help. "mummy!" Noah shouted and jumped on my lap. Logan huffed and Noah stuck his tough out to his sister again.

"I don't mind having a little sister, aleast I won't be the youngest" Noah said smiling up at me. "how do you know the baby's going to be a girl?" I asked the boy on my lap. I actually I know it's a girl, I'm just keeping it a secret for the kids. "I want it to be a girl" he said. "why?" I asked.

"so when, someone tries to hurt her, me, Noah, her big brother will protect her" he said and I awed at him. "you gana be a good big brother" I told him and he smiled. "what about me, I always get Noah out of trouble" Logan said pointing at Noah. "and I thought you said he was annoying?" I rained my eyebrow.

"he is!" Logan exclaimed. "but his still my little brother, and I love him" Logan mumbled looking down. "I love you to big sis!" Noah said. He jumped of from my lap and hugged his big sister and she huged him back. I smiled at them.

"mama!" the two shouted. I looked at the back of me and Y/N was standing there with a baby in her arms and the girls behind her. I smiled and stood up. "hey baby" I said kissing Y/N'S cheek. I looked down at the baby and smiled.

"where's aunty Lia?" Noah asked and a little boy came running in with 2 little girls. "Alex!" Noah shouted and attacked the boy with a hug. Alex is Dinah and Norman's son. He's 5 years old and looks a bit like Dinah.

The two girls are Kim and Kimberly. They are Demi and Camila's adopted kids, well they are WereWolf, they were abandoned by they're pack. So Demi and Camila decided to take them in as they're own. They are also 5.

I took the baby from Y/N and sat down on the coach so Logan and Noah can see they're new baby sister. Logan and Noah came and stood in front of me liking down at the baby in my arms. "woah, she has mama eyes" Noah said when the baby opened her eyes.

She had Y/E/C, Logan had my eyes and Noah had a mixture of my eyes and Y/N'S eyes. "do you want to know what her name is?" Y/N asked and they both nodded their heads. "her names Azalea Bea Jauregui" Y/N said and they smiled.

"why don't I have a middle name?" Noah asked pointing at himself. "you do its Christefer. Like uncle Chris, but longer" I told him and he made a 'o' shape with his lips. "I have a little sister!" Noah said happily and I chuckled at him.

"yea, now you won't be the youngest anymore" Y/N told him and he smiled widely. "she's a black wolf" Lagan said and we looked at her. "how, do you know if she'll be a black wolf?" I asked. "because if she has mama's eyes, she will look like mummy's wolf" Logan said.

"like, me, I have mummy's eyes so I'll look like mama's wolf" Logan said and smiled. "what about me?" Noah asked. "you'll look like mama and Mummy, cause your the middle child and become you have green and Y/E/C eyes" logan said. "like the cartoons" she added.

"well ist not always like the cartoons, Logan" Y/N said and Logan shrugged her shoulders. "what colour does black and white make mama?" Logan asked. "Grey" Y/N told her. "then that's the colour of Noah's wolf will be, but darker" logan said with a smile.

I shook my head with a smile. "ok, you can go play, Azalea needs to sleep" Y/N said taking Azalea away from me. "yo, where's smallz?" Dinah asked with a sandwich in her hand. "I don't know she was with us" Normani said. "I think she went back to thd pack to pick up, Reagan" Camila said.

Reagan is Ally and Troy's son, his 6 and looks like Troy, but has a little bit of Ally in him.


"ok, the baby and the kids are at Camila's " Y/N said as she walked to me. "meaning we're alone" Y/N said and sat on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her waist and hers were around my neck.

"we have the whole house all to ourselves" Y/N said very seductively. "oh" was all I could say. Y/N kissed me and I kissed back. I squeezed her ass making her moan. I stood up and she wrapped her legs around my waist.

I walked up the stairs and into our shared room and kicked the door close.

🏳️‍🌈THE END!🏳️‍🌈

A/N: not the ending I was looking for, but eh, at least I'm done with this book and can move on to the next one.

I hope you enjoyed this book, even though I know it was very shitty.

I'm thinking of making a sequel, about, Logan.

It will be called Her daughter Logan.
Idk, I can't think of a better name.

Idk, if I'll be making a sequel, I'll see how it turns out, before publishing it.

~have a good day baby's😜❤️.
💞And thanks for reading my book💞.

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