The Bloodmoon Fight-P6

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He's right, I am week.

I felt my energy and strength leave my body as I was still trying to, get Michael of. I was going to give up, when I felt his weight wasn't on me anymore. I heard a growl that sound more like a roar. I looked up and saw Y/N, standing front of me growling at my father.

Y/N, looked back at me and her eyes were purple again. Woah. She looked back to Michael who was standing there glaring and growling back at her. "so, your the Mate, Y/N right?" Michael said and Y/N growled. "well, I just want to say, since my own daughter can't beat me, you won't be able to ether, since you were turned into a WereWolf and  don't have much experience" he said and I heard Y/N scoff.

"oh God, your so dramatic with this shit" Y/N said and Michael growled. "you fucking snowball!" Michael said then attacked Y/N, but she dodged it and kicked him in his ribs.

Michael got back up and attacked Y/N, they rolled over and Y/N, pinned Michael down. Y/N, bit his neck and he whimpered in pain. Michael kicked her off, but that didn't do anything, she slide back on her paws and ran back to Michael.

Michael got up and clawed her in her face. Y/N flew back and when she got up, she looked Hella pissed. There was blood coasing out from the gash on her left cheek, and when she saw it she went all crazy. She growled looking down, the ground shaking.

You could see everyones scared and shocked expressions as the ground shook. "Ally, i think Michael needs you to pray for him" I heard Dinah say. "yea, Ally get your Bible" Jennifer said. I watched Y/N. Everyone was quiet, no one making any movement, just watching and waiting what will happen next.

"is the little fluffball mad?" Michael teased, and when Y/N looked up, his eyes went wide and he looked like he just shit himself. Y/N's left eye was royal red and the other was purple. Everyone looked shocked and scared.

Y/N, looked Michael dead in the eyes. She growled and every WereWolf whimperd in fear. She walked tawords Michael slowly, but Michael being the stupid WereWolf he is had to throw a comment at her that pissed her off even more. She charged tawords him tackling him down.

Y/N pinned him down and roaded in his face. Michael had his tail between his legs and whimperd. "any last words?" Y/N asked and Michael eyes widen, but he still put on a tough face and dared to growl at Y/N. "you Pease of shit, who do you think your talking to, I'm the alpah of this pack!" Michael growld.

Y/N growld back and Michael stayed quiet. "ill ask you again, any last words?" Y/N asked again and Michael looked annoyed. "Fucking snowball–" Michael said, but got cut off when Y/N, grabbed his muzel and bit down hard on it.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Y/N growld and Michael whimperd. Y/N let go of his muzel and looked at me. "Lauren–" she got cut of when Michelle bit her neck and Y/N whimperd. Y/N tired back to him and bit his neck, snapping it.

Everyone was silent, Y/N dropped Michael to the grownd and stood over his lifeliss body. She howled and everyone howled with her. When everyone stopped howling, they bowled down and everyone said "your highness" Y/N tilted her head to the side looking at them confused.

"ill explain everything later" I told her and she nodded her head. "Y/N'S A FUCKING QUEEN!" Camila and Dinah exclaimed shocked. "of WereWolfs" I told then and they looked at me, shocked. I looked back at Y/N and she was surrounded by two of our youngest WereWolfs. Austin and Shawn.

They were born in there wolf form so they'll only shift when they're 12. "waoh, your so strong!" Shawn said and Austin agreed with him. I smiled and shifted back to my human form and walked to them. Y/N looked at me and shift into her human form.

Y/N sat down and the two pups jumped in her lap. Y/N laughed at the two, rubbing there heads." you guys are so adorable" Y/N said and they wagged there tails. Austin jumped up and licked Y/N'S cheek, where the gash was, but it was healing, since WereWolfs heal faster then humans.

"come on, we have to go, you need rest and we have a baby and a 12 year old to fetch" I told Y/N and she put the two pups down, staning up. "where are you going Alpha?" Austin asked. "we're going to fetch my daughters" Y/N told them and they nodded their heads.

"will you be back, and can we play with your daughters?" Shawn asked. "yes, well be back, and you can play with Lia" I told then and they waged their tails "Shawn, Austin!?" we heard a feminine voice call out for the pups and the boys groaned running of after saying they're goodbyes.

"well, they're cute" Y/N said and shifted back to her wolf form. "why did you shift?" I asked. "I'm going to get my daughters, and teach a Beta, who gave me sass, a lesson" Y/N said and ran off. I shook my head and shifted to my wolf farm and followed her.

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