Sleepover Part 3

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The next morning I woke up to the sun shining in my face. I smiled when my eyes landed on my Mate cuddled up to me. I got up slowly trying not wake up Y/N. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair.

After I was finished I went downstairs, seeing all the girls sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast. "morning guys" I said. "morning" they said. "so Ralph how ya sleep last night?" Dinah asked smirking at me. "I slept very well thank you" I said taking a seat next to Camila.

"Laur don't play dumn we all no you and Y/N slept together last night" Normani said wiggling her eyebrows. I blushed and looked down. "wait we do?" Camila asked. Dinah rowled her eyes. "yes Mila we just talked about this" Dinah groaned.

"guys we didn't do anything, we just fell asleep on the same bed" I said as Ally placed a plate of pancakes in front of me. I thanked her and stared to eat. "ok laur your secrets safe with us" Dinah winked and zipped her lips shut. I rowled my eyes and continued eating.

"good morning!" Y/N said walking into the kitchen. "morning" the girls said. I looked at Y/N and she was in her panties and a over sized top. I blushed and looked away. I looked at the girls and they were all smirking at me.

"Y/N were you sleeping in that last night?" Camila asked. Y/N looked down and herself. "mmm...I guess so. Why?" Y/N shrugged drinking her organce juice from the fridge. "because you and Lauren were sleeping together" Ally said.

Y/N sput her juice and her eyes went wide then confused. "oh so that wasn't a dream?" she asked. The girls and I laughed. "no babe" I said then blushed when I realized what I just said. I looked at Y/N and she was smirking at me.

She walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. The girls and I following her. We sat down me next to Y/N, Normani and Dinah on the bean bag Camila and Ally next to us. I layed my head on Y/N shoulder, her head on mine.

"ok so what did you guys actually do last night? Your acting like a couple" Normani asked. "we just cuddled" I shrugged. "are you sure you just cuddled?" Dinah wiggled her eyebrows. "Dinah!" Ally said throwing a pillow at her. "what I'm just asking!" Dinah shouted. Y/N giggled. Her giggle is so adorable. I think I just melted.


It was now afternoon me and the girls were still sitting in the living room just talking. Camila and Dinah were spread across the living room mat." Y/N it's so hot in here" Camila whined. "yeah dude what is it like 90° degrees in here?" Dinah said fanning herself.

"you guys want to hit the pool?" Y/N asked. Camila and Dinah shot up. "duh. Anything to cool my body down!" Dinah said. "wait but do you guys have anything to swim in?" Y/N asked. "we came prepared!" Normani said. "well then let's go" Y/N said standing up.

Dinah and Camila ran up to go change into there swim suits. "kids these days" Ally said jokingly as we walked up the stairs. We got dressed into our swim suits and went to the pool.

Me and the girls were playing in the pool will Y/N went to get some drinks and snakes. "Damn girl look at dem abs!" Dinah shouted. "Dinah!" Normani shouted slaping Dinah's head. "OW MANI!" Dinah shouted.

I looked up and Y/N was standing on the edge of the pool in her black becinie. "Lauren your staring!" Camila shouted. "Shut up Camz!" I splashed Camila with water, Camila just giggled. "ill be right back. I'm ganna put on some music" Y/N running back inside.

"Damn Laur. The Moongodess must like you a lot!" Dinah said. "Dinah!" Normani shouted this time pushing Dinah under water. "geez I'm sorry mani" Dinah apologize giving a Normani a kiss on the cheek. "it's OK babe"

Y/N came back pushing two huge speakers out of the house and putting her phone ontope of it. Music started blasting through the speakers. Y/N walked to the edge of the pool and sat down.

"hey why aren't you swimmging?" Dinah asked. "ill just sit here for a while" Y/N said kicking the water with her feet. "ok suit yourself" Dinah shrugged and continued playing with the girls. "Y/N! come swim with me!" I whined.

"I just want to sit here for a while"

"come on please!"

"nope. I like it here"

"pretty pwease" I pouted

"nope" she said

"you won't get her in unless you fetch her yourself" Camila said. I smirked then looked back at Y/N. I started walking tawords her until I stood right in front of her. "yes how may I help you Lauren?" Y/N asked

"come in the water. You can't sit here all day" I said now standing in between her legs.

"actually I can" she said

"no you can't"

"and who says so" YN said leaning in.

"I do" I smirked then put both my hands on Y/N thighs and lifted her up. "Lauren no! Put my down!" Y/N shouted. I turned around and walked into the middle of the pool. "Lauren baby. Put me down!"

"did you just call me baby?" I smirked. "what no! Just put me down!" Y/N shouted. "as you wish babe" I winked then dropped her down into the water. Y/N came back up whipping the water out of her face.

"Lauren are you fucking mad?!" Y/N shouted. I laughed. "yes madly in love with you" I said Y/N blushed looking down. Y/N started laughing. I looked at her confused. She looked up and smiled at me. Before i know it I'm being pushed under water.

I came back up whipping the water out of my face. Y/N laughed "oh your ganna get it now" i said walking to her.

"Lauren no" Y/N said backing up from me.

"Lauren yes" I said.

Y/N turned around ready to run away, but I grabbed her before she could. "No Lauren!" Y/N shouted. I turned her around so shes facing me. Y/N rapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

"Lauren please don't"

"please don't what?" I raised a eyebrow

"Lauren!" Y/N whined

"ok ok" I chuckled.

"if I were you id hold my breath" I said with a smirk.

I duped Y/N and I into the water. I opened my eyes then Y/N and I smiled at her. She glared at me. I leaned down and kissed her. The kiss was long and sweet. Y/N moved her hands from my waist to my cheeks deepening the kiss.

We pulled back and came back up to the surface for air. "woah" Y/N said touching her lips and breathing heavily. I smiled and pecked her lips one more time. "you just stole my fist kiss" Y/N said still touching her lips.

"yeah? That was my first kiss to" I said still breathing heavily. Y/N looked at me her cheeks red. She grabbed my face and kissed me again. "Ew. Gross!" Camila shouted. Me and Y/N pooled away blushing.

"Laurse found her mate!" Dinah shouted. "ow!" Ally smacked Dinah at the back of her  head. "Mate? What is Dj talking about?" Y/N asked. "it's nothing don't worry about it" I said Y/N nodded.

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