Chapter 21

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Lauren's pov

The next morning I woke up with Y/N laying underneath me her arms wrapped around my neck and her legs around my waist. I smiled before removing Y/N's arms and legs from my body and standing up.

I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. When I was done I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I looked at the tike and it was 9 in the morning. Y/N should've been awake by now. She probably just really tired. I shrugged and made my way out of the room and down the stairs.

When I got in to the kitchen Ally was busy cooking breakfast while Camila and Dinah were eating it as always. "good morning guys" I said as I made myself present in the kitchen. "hey Laur" they said.

I sat down at the table and looked at them with an amused smile. "do you guys ever do anything else but eat?" I asked. "nah eating is life Perra" Camila said. "yeah bish mama's got to eat" Dinah said as she stuffed her face with bacon.

Damn these girls can eat.....

"good morning everyone!" Y/N said waking down the stairs. "morning" everyone greeted back. "morning babe" said then gave Y/N a kiss on the cheek. "oh bacon" Y/N said as she stole a piece of bacon from Dinah's plate.

"bitch there's literally a plate filled with a bacon!" Dinah exclaimed. "yeah but I wanted yours" Y/N stuck her tough out at Dinah. "so like no training today?" Normani asked.

"nah there's still time, we have like 6 months left so, let's just have fun, but Camila's gonna need a lot of training though" I told Normani as she nodded her head.

"what does Camila need training for?" Y/N asked. "she needs to know all the rules and skills of being a Beta and that's were Dinah comes in" I told her. "oh, OK" Y/N shrugged and stole another piece of bacon from Dinah's plate.

"so what does a Beta do?" Camila asked. "they have almost the same rules as an alpha, meaning if the Alphas aren't around the Beta's are in charge" I said. "oh. So I'm your Beta?" Camila asked.

"well yes and no, since you did submit to Y/N and not me and Y/N is my mate so yes and no" I said. Camila looked at me confused writen on her face. "huh?" Camila asked.

"what Lauren's trying so hard to so is. Your Y/N's and Lauren's Beta, but because you submitted to Y/N your mostly Y/N's Beta which means you have to protect and be by Y/N's side all the time" Ally explained and I nodded my head.

"oh, ok" Camila said then continued eating her breakfast. "when is Luna over here getting marked?" Normani asked. "she says shes not ready and I wait" I said. "ok, but you betta mark her before the next full moon" Normani said.

"why should I be marked before the full moon?" Y/N asked. "because the fight is after the full moon-" Normani was cut of by my phone ringing. I fished my phone out of my back pocket and lloked at the callers ID.

"it's my dad" I said looking at me friends. "the answer the call idoit" Dinah said and I answered before glaring at her.




"there's been a change of plans"

"ok what is it"

"the elders have decided that the fight should be on the next full moon"


"because, they just found out this full moon is not only just a full moon, it's the first red full moon in 50 years"


"Lauren the first red full moon in 50 years contains power and its a normal richulal we werewolf's have. Every red moon two Alphas fight for dominance, so the elders have decided that the fight should be on the red moon night"

"do ever listen to anyone else, but the elders?"

"Lauren I don't have time for-"

I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket. "so what did your father want?" Dinah asked. "the elders have decided that the fight will be on the full moon" I said. "why?" Normani asked. "because they have just desoverd that this full moon is the red moon" I said and every gasped.

"the first red moon in 50 years" Ally exclaimed. "what's a red moon?" Y/N asked. "it's actually called the blood moon, but we call it the red moon. It's just a full moon that's red that's all" I said and Y/N nodded her head.

"so when does training start then?" Dinah asked. "you can go ahead ahd teach Camila the rules, we'll train tomorrow morning" I said walking into the living room and sitting down on the bean bag.

"do I have to wake up early?" Camila asked. "nah we'll start at 12 the afternoon" I said and Camila and Dinah cheered. "yay! We can sleep in for once!" they cheered as they jumped around in the living room.

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