The Bloodmoon Fight-P3

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"so, you girls need help?"


"I know where we can get more WereWolfs to fight with us" Demi said. "where?" I asked. "Lana del Rey's pack" Demi said. "who is she?" I asked. "also one of Lauren's old friends" she told me. "well then let's go" Dinah said.

"wait, what about Lia and Logan?" I asked. "they can stay at Lana's pack, they can keep them safe there" Ally said and I nodded my head. "ok, let's go" I said and we walked down the stairs and to my garage.

"ill go to my tribe, and get all my strongest vampires, well meat at the waterfall" Jennifer said and we went our separate ways.


"Dinah, why didn't you help her?" I asked. "what?" she asked. "you heard me why didn't you help Lauren?" I asked again. "I did, even Taylor, Chris, Ariana, Rick, Kelhani and Ty came to help" she said.

"we tried getting the Gards of, but there were to many of them, Ty got killed though" Dinah mumbled the last part and looked down. "no" the girls said with shock.

"the others, that were on our side ran of, so we might have some more WereWolfs on our side, they ran with Taylor and Chris" Dinah said.

"yea, but don't worry, Taylor, Chris, Ariana, Rick and Kelhani are on our side, I'll text them and tell them to meet us at the waterfall" Dinah said the took her phone out.

"and tell them, to make sure know one is following them" Ally told her and she nodded her head.

"I hope our Mate is okay" Eris said. "I hope so too" I told her.


Lauren's Pov.

"let me fucking go!" I yelled as I was tied up in a cell. I don't know what they did, but I can't shift into my wolf form. "you do not talk to me like that!" my dad slapped me.

"Michael!" my mom yelled at him. "she needs to learn respect!" he shouted at my mother. "I don't fucking take orders from a monster!" I spat at his shoes, he growled and kicked me.

And the darkness took over me.


I woke up later the day, or night, I couldn't really tell since I was in a cell with no windows. I snapped my eyes to the door, when I heard a click. I smiled when I saw my mom walk in.

"oh my poor baby" my mother said as she came in with a first-aid kit. She cleaned my bleeding lip and took out a nedil. "what is that?" I asked my mother.

"your father injected you with wolf's band, so I'm injecting you with this, it will get the wolf's band out of your sistim, then you can shift into your wolf" she said as she got the nedil ready.

"but don't shift, just yet, your ganna have to wait till your father leaves, hell be taking some of the Gards to your mates house, but don't worry they're not there" my mom said and I nodded my head.

"Taylor, Chris, Kelhani, Rich and Ariana, when to the waterfall, they said Dinah called them to meet up there" my mother continued to talk. "ready" she asked and I nodded my head.

"ok, hear goes nothing" my mother said and injected the nedil into my vain. I hissed at the tiny stink. "woah, since when could your eyes turn red?" my mother asked as she pulled the nedil out of me.

"since I was little, I never told anyone, only my mate and my friends know, but I guess everyone knows now" I said and she nodded her head. "and my mate has red eyes to" I said. "wait, you changed her?" she asked.

"yea, and we have a baby girl" I said and my mother had a big smile on her face. "what is my granddaughters name?" she asked. "Logan Jade Jauregui" I told her. "what about your mate, what fure colour is she?" she asked.

"a snow white wolf, with 3 different eye colours, gold, red and blue" I said and my mother looked shocked. "she's a snow white wolf?" my mother asked.

"yes, what's wrong with that?" I asked with narrowed eyesbrows. "there's nothing wrong with it, a snow white wolf with blue eyes is a very rare kind a wolf, some people use to say it was a mith."

"being a snow white wolf, makes you an Alpha of all Alphas or better the queen of werewolfs" my mother said and I looked at her in shock. "so your telling me my mate is the queen of all werewolfs?" I asked with wide eyes.

I could feel my strength coming back slowly as I moved to sit up and get a better look at my mother. She nodded her head. "is she strong and what is her wolf's Hight?" my mother asked.

"oh, she's pretty strong, it took 3 hours for me to dominate her, actually I didn't even dominate her, she got out of the house and come back after a week I think"

"then after we found out she's pregnant, after about 4 or 5 months she lost the baby, then we did training and she beat Camila, Dinah and me in a fight after each other with out even taking a break"

"after that she was pregnant again for 3 months, and gave birth today, that's why I was late, I didn't want to leave her, and let her give birth on her own" I finshed.
"wait,she gave birth today on a Bloodmoon night!?" my mother exclaimed. "yeah" I asked confused to why she was so shocked about that.

"oh wow, your baby is the princess and on top of that she's born on a Bloodmoon night, she's one of the most strongest werewolfs there is"

"your mate being one of them. Your Mate is first in line, then it's your daughter, then it's a highbreed, then you, the same goes for the vampires"

"how am I one of the strongest WereWolfs?" I asked. "your a rare wolf, and you have red eyes, plus your one of the biggest WereWolfs there is" she said.

"my mate is the same Hight as I am" I told her. "wow, your Mate is special, I'm also sorry to say this, but your the Luna now and your Mate is the Alpha" my mom told me.

"what!?" I exclaimed. "don't worry, maybe she won't want to be Alpha" my mother said. "Clara! What are you doing?" Michael came in looking pissed. "I was just cleaning the blood off of Lauren" my mother said as she hid the nedil in her jeans pocket.

"oh... OK.... I have to go, me, the Beta and Gard will be going know" he said and I glared at him. "don't worry I won't hurt your little mate just yet" he said the walked away with an evil smirk on his face.

"don't worry, your mate is safe, she's not at her house, they left after you told Dinah to go back there" my mother said with a smile. "Clara!"

My mother sighed and stood up, she bent down and gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.

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