Training Part 6

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Camila's Pov

"you know the rules, just fight" Troy said looking at the both of them. They nodded their heads at Troy. "the.... FIGHT!" Troy shouted then ran to us.

"Damn Y/N isn't even tired" Dinah said. "yeah it's kinda weird though" I said. I looked back at the fight and Y/N and Lauren were still circleling each other.

"you guys ganna fight or what?!" Dinah shouted, I albowed her and gave a look that said 'shut up'. I looked back at the two WereWolfs and Y/N was looking at us with her red eyes.

She stood still just looking at us, "tell Dinah to shut the fuck-" Y/N said but got cut off by Lauren tackling her down. "got cha" Lauren said then bit Y/N in her neck. "fuck!" Y/N yelleped.

Y/N tried getting Lauren off her, but Lauren was to strong and pined her down. "ha, Ralph's way to strong for Y/N!" Dinah exclaimed "how does it feel to lose Y/N!?" Dinah shouted.

"It.. Feels.. AWESOME!" Y/N said then Lauren went flying across the field. "the fuck" Dinah said shock laised in her tone. "H-how the fuck did she do that?" Dinah exclaimed. "I have no idea, so stop hitting me!" I said slapping Dinah's hand away and glared at her. "sorry"

I looking back at Y/N her eyes were red and shining brighter then before and she had her eyes on one person and that person was Lauren who was struggling to get up. "that look Y/N's giving Lauren doesn't look friendly" I said.

Y/n growled and started running tawords Lauren at a really fast pace. She launched herself at Lauren bitting her neck in the process. "damn that looked painful" I mumbled to myself then Lauren whiperd louedly in pain.

And there's my answer.....

Lauren managed to kick Y/N off, but that didn't do much it only got Y/N off, she didn't even flintch or fall, she just flid backwards on her paws and ran back to Lauren. "damn is that chick strong" I heard Troy said.

"ya, but Lauren's stronger, she'll definitely win and has to win, I can't lose another bet" Dinah defended. We looked back at the two fighting and Y/N had Lauren pinned down. "10 minutes!" Troy shouted.

You could see Lauren was struggling to get Y/N off, as she kicked Y/N repeatedly, but Y/N would budg. Y/N tried getting Lauren's neck as Lauren tried getting Y/N's neck.

"5 more minutes!" Troy announced. Then Y/N was kicked off, and hit a tree. Lauren got up and shook her fure out, then ran tawords Y/N. I looked back at Y/N who was laying on the ground, struggling to get back on her feet.

"oh, she's totally down" Dinah said.  When Lauren got to her and was about to bite her, Y/N suddenly got up and got Lauren by her neck. It went all in slow motion.

Both Y/N and Lauren were on their back legs, Y/N got Lauren by her neck and just like that Y/N slammed Lauren down, releasing her neck."15 seconds!" Lauren groaned as she layed on the ground.

Y/N stood over Lauren, then put her while mouth around Lauren's neck. Y/N eyes were now a bright light blue. Troy ran to them and counted down. "1... 2... 3!" he shouted.

"WHAT?!" Normani exclaimed with shock written all over her face. "how the fuck did she beat Lauren?" Dinah asked. "I have no idea" I said with shock.

Lauren was still laying on the ground and Y/N was still standing on top of her, but she wasn't bitting her. Y/N wagged her take and licked Lauren's face and where she bit her.

We walked to Y/N and Lauren. "wow, I can't believe you actually beat Ralph" Dinah said "and it happend so fast" Demi added. "yea, how did you do that, your not even tired and you fought 3 of us after each other" I said.

"I told you I'll beat ya'll ass" Y/N said after she shifted back. "damn" Dinah said still not believing what just happened. "Lauren you ok?" Y/N asked and Lauren shifted back. "yeah, I'm fine" Lauren said sitting up.

"how did you learn how to fight like that?" Lauren asked. "I don't know, I just fight, so I wouldn't lose the bet" Y/N said looking at Dinah with a smirk. "damn it!" Dinah exclaimed and we all laughed.

"Can we go home now, I'm tired and sweaty" Y/N said as she held her t-shirt away from her body. "yeah let's go" Lauren said.

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