Chapter 17

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The next morning I woke up to the sun shining in my face. I groaned and turned around to be face to face with a still sleeping Lauren.

I look at the lock on the nightstand on Lauren's side of the bed and it's 9 in the morning. Shouldn't Lauren be up training at 4.

"Lauren" I whisper as I shook her. Lauren just groans and moves away from me. "Lauren" I try again. This time Lauren turns her back on me.

I sighed and thought of something that will wake her up. "Lauren, Dinah's being sneaky again" I whisper in her ear. Lauren shoots up and looks around the room.

"Dinah better not eat my chocolates again!" Lauren growls out. I start laughing and Lauren looks at me. "relax baby. She's not hear" I said rubbing Lauren's back with a giggle.

"then why?" Lauren whines. "you wouldn't get up and it's 9 in the morning. You missed raining" I told her. "nah there's still 6 more months of training" Lauren shrugged her shoulders.

"then why do you get up 4 in the morning to train, if you have this month and 6 more to go?" I asked. "I don't know, I just want to be prepared" Lauren said standing up.

"prepared to just bite your father's head off? You need to train to bite another wolf's head of?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"you don't understand my father is dangerous and can kill me very easily. He can even cheat if he wanted to" Lauren said stretching out her lems

"ok, but if he cheats why don't you cheat back?" asked. "there you go again with all the questions" Lauren said with a chuckle. "well I can't help it because your a little stone headed" I told.

"what do you mean stone headed?" Lauren asked tilting her head to the side. "I mean, your head is like coverd in cement you can't think properly, there's no air going into your brain" I saod tapping my head with my index finger.

"so your calling me dumb?" Lauren asked. "pretty much yes" said with an innocent smile. "then that means I'm your dumb wolf. Which also means our kids will be dumb" Lauren said and I raised my eyebrow at her.

"oh no honey. You might be dumb, but I'm smart. Our kids will be as smart as me with your good looks, but sertonly not dumb." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"anyway let's go back home the girls might be wondering where we are" said as I started to get my things ready. "Lauren staring is unhealthy" I said as I walk around the room getting my things.

"I wasn't staring" Lauren said. I turned around and indeed she was with her royal red eyes. "the please explain to me why your eyes are once again royal red" I said as stood right in front of her.

"no their not" Lauren said blinking a few times. "there still red love" I said leaning closer to Lauren face with my arms crossed. Lauren's breathing started to pick up as I leaned in closer.

"come on let's go the girls must be worried about us" Lauren said walking past me and stuffing clothes back into the suitcase in a fast pace.

I chuckled and shook my head in amusement.


We got back home and as soon as we stepped into the front door I was tackled to the ground by Camila. "what's up Nugget?" I said and Camila slapped my arm.

"don't call me that" she scolded. "whatever Karla" I said pussing her of me. "don't call me that either" she said pinning me back down to the floor.

"Ugh, Perra get of me!" I said this time I pushed hard enough that she ended up on her bum. "ow. I'm not a Perra your a Perra!" Camila shouted before running of.

I rolled my eyes at her childishness. "Some kids just never grow up" I mumbled to myself. "I heard that!" Camila shouted from the kitchen. "whatever Nugget!" I shouted back.

"ugh!" I heard Camila shout in frustration. "geez what's crolled up her ass?" I asked to myself. "Demi" I heard Dinah say as she walked down the stairs.

"DINAH!" Camila shouted from the kitchen.

"what?" I asked. "Demi" Dinah repeated her answer and I looked her in confusion. "you asked what crolled up in her ass and it Demi" Dinah said with a shrug.

"what no way?! She's got layd last night?! Camila!" I said running into the kitchen. "Camila, no shit you didn't get layd last night" I said list shocked. Camila shrugged her shoulders.

"then why are you so moody? You should be all smiley and shit" I said shaking her. "I don't know, but Stop fucking shaking!" Camila snapped and I jumped back.

"damn was Demi that bad?" I teased getting a glare from Camila. "ok ok geez. We're is she anyway?" I asked. "sleeping" Camila said taking a bite out of her banana.

"damn who must have tired her out. Sex that good huh?" I teased her again and she snarled at me and an actual snarl. "woah" I said stepping back. "Lauren! What's up with Camila!" I shouted us I walked backwards into the living room.

"what do you mean?" Lauren asked. "she's moody and she won't stop snarling at me. And it sounded like an actual snarl. Like when you snarl at Dinah for eating your chocolates" I said and Lauren stood up with wide eyes.

She walked into the kitchen where Camila was sitting and walked in front of her. "Camila" Lauren said. "what?!" Camila snapped. "look at me" Lauren demanded. Camila looked up and growled at Lauren with glowing gold eyes.

"holy shit" I said as Dinah cam to stand next to me. "of fuck" Dinah said. "Demi!" Lauren shouted.

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