Chapter 20

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Me, Lauren and Camila walked out of the room that was claimed to be a dungeon and walked into the living room finding everyone sitting and having there own conversations.

"yo guys" Dinah said as we walked into the living room my arm over Camila's shoulders. "so how did the first shift go?" Ally asked. "yeah that was pretty quick" Normani said. "it went pretty well" Lauren said. "what do you mean pretty well, did she submit the minute she shifted?" Ally asked.

"nope" Lauren said popping the 'P'. "then what then talk Laur!?" Dinah pleased. "she's didn't submit to, Camila submit to Y/N" Lauren said with a proud smile on her face.

"she what?" They all asked in shock. "yeah she submitted to Y/N. Y/N told her, she had enough of her growling and Camila stopped then bowed her head shifting back" Lauren explained to them. "Damn" Dinah said in pure shock.

"yeah I had the same expression on my face" Lauren said with a chuckle. "so what is you Rank?" Demi asked Camila and Camila shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know wolf ranks and stuff like that" Camila said. "Lauren?" Demi asked.

"what do you think your rank is?" Lauren asked Camila. "um a Omaga?" Camila asked and Lauren shook her head. "um Gard, Healer, Gamma?" Camila went on. When she said all the Ranks except a Beta everyone gasped. "your a Beta!" everyone shouted and Camila was attacked in a hug by Demi.

"my baby's a Beta!" Demi shouted in excitement. "what's a Beta?" Camila asked. "the second strongest rank there is" I said and she smiled. "really? how?" Camila asked not believeing what she's been told. "yeah. You would submit at first all you wanted to do was kill me" Lauren said with a chuckle.

"then why did I submit to Y/N?" Camila asked. "I don't know. I think it's because she demanded you to stop or because she's you best friend" Lauren said with a shrug. "so how does this Rank thing work?" Camila asked.

"well you see, if you submit when I tell you to bow down, then your a omega, Healer or a Gamma.
If I tell you to bow down more then once your a Gard.
But if you try to kill me after I turned into my wolf form and try to dominate you then your a Alpha or a Beta" Lauren explained.

"yeah like the first time when Dinah shifted. She wouldn't listen to anything my father said after my father almost took her head, but luckily I was in the room when it happened" Lauren said then Dinah laughed.

"wow" I said. "I wander what would your rank be when I mark you?" Lauren said. "but am I not the alpha since I'm your mate?" I asked. "yes, but when you shift you'll still have your own Rank. Then when I become Alpha you'll be Luna" Lauren said and I nodded my.

"but don't worry no matter what Rank you are you'll still be my mate and will be my Luna to" Lauren said then gave me a kiss on the side of my head and I smiled. "ok now that Camila is all done, let's go to bed it's almost 1 in the morning" Ally said and everyone got up.

"hey where's Troy?"i asked looking around the room."he's already in bed" Ally said. "yeah his just waiting for Ally to have some fun" Dinah said then wiggled her eyebrows at Ally. "Dinah!" Ally said punching Dinah arms. Dinah just laughed and walked up the stairs.

"wow I can't believe my best friend's a Beta" I said as snagged my arms around Camila's shoulders. "yeah me eather" Camila said with a smile. "ok oo that's enough let Camila rest now" Demi said. "bush she be my best friend" I said playfully smacking smacking demi's hand away.

"yeah well she's my mate" Demi said. "pff oh please Ive known her since we were 8" I said waving Demi off. "yeah well she's still my mate" Demi repeated her words. "pff" I said then carryed on walking. "Camila" Demi whined. "sorry dems, but she is my best friend" Camila said apologetically I laughed and winked at Demi before shoving Camila to Demi.

"my best will forever be my bestie" I said then walked of. "Y/N leave Demi before she hates you" Ally said. "oh please if she hates me or not Camila will still be my friend no matter what" I said before walking into my room.

I ploped down on my bed with a deep sigh. "so when can I mark you?" Lauren asked as she layed down on top of me. I wrapped my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck playing with her hair as her head layed on my chest.

"I don't know" I shrugged and continued to play with Lauren's hair. I felt Lauren's breathing become eaven and I heard light snors soon I fell asleep underneath Lauren's warm body.

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