Sleepover 1

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After dropping Camila at home I went to the store to buy some snakes and drinks for the sleepover. I got a few movies to. I got back home a hour later. When I set everything up I realized I hadn't told the girls my address and I don't have there numbers.

I got my phone out of my back pocket and texted Camila.
Camila-My Baby Nugget😋
Y/N-Pain In The Ass😑

Pain In The Ass😑:
Hey Nugget I just remembered
I didn't tell the girls my address
And I don't have there numbers.

My Baby Nugget😋:
Hey. I got that covered. I have there
Numbers and I told them your address.

Pain In The Ass😑:
See you at 8:00?

My Baby Nugget😋:
Yeah bye

I put my phone back in my pocket and went in up stairs to take a quick shower. I got out of the shower and dressed me. I was halfway dressed when I heard the door bell. This must be the girls. Camila would of just walked in.

Grabbed a top and put on then rushed down stairs with only a oversized t-shirt on and my underwear and bra of cause. I opened the door and was met with four pairs of eyes looking me up and down.

Lauren Pov.

Me and the girls were heading to Y/N house for a sleepover. When we got there we were all shocked to see how huge her house is. We all got out of my car and walked up the steps.

Before we got to the door we were met with two big wolf's

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Before we got to the door we were met with two big wolf's. To be honest for normal wolfs they were pretty big.


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