Author's Note

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Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Luminescence!

Now in this author's note I just have some little details about how the story will work. Each episode is divided up into three chapters. Keep in mind that three is an average number, meaning that some episodes will be divided into more, or possibly less, chapters.

I also want to disscuss updates and a bit of Wattpad etiquette that goes in hand with them. I'm not a person with a schedule, I write when I am inspired and when I want to. Sometimes, that may result in very slow updates. Especially in a story like this one where each chapter is much longer than the chapters I usually write. And because I also like to publish all the chapters within one episode closely together.

Another thing that may result in very slow updates is comments like "Please update/When will you update/Update soon/etc." Shortly, all update asking and begging types of comments. I personally dislike these very much, even when they're sent with good intentions. Very often when receiving these comments my inspiration diminishes. So please, don't ask me and beg for updates, that doesn't work and might just make the wait longer.

Now, I would like to clarify I do not own Merlin, and only own Arwen and her storyline which I would kindly ask you do not steal or copy. 

I hope you like the story. Feel free to vote and tell me what you think in the comments (critisism is always welcome as long as you're not being rude or hateful).

Now I shall release you to go on and follow Arwen on her journey. 

- Eva

Luminescence ✺ Arthur PendragonWhere stories live. Discover now