Running Late

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it's been a few weeks after that ordeal with nayeon and sana. we reverted to our normal selves, pretending it never happened. my relationship with sana grew and we got closer. the two of them were the only members i was close too.

time skip

its 3:30 in the morning. the girls are getting ready to leave for the salon which was a half an our drive from their dorm.

as we were about to leave, i was making a head count. there were two missing. i hurried the girls into the van that the company sent us and told them the two will be late (i did not identify who the two were).

the van drove off and i ran back into the dorm. i rushed through all the rooms looking for who those two were.

as i bashed one of the doors open, i see chaeng sleeping on her bed.

"CHAENG! We're LATE!" i shouted.

she woke up and stood up. she stumbled a bit due to her sleepy legs but ran to the closet.

i ran out and looked for the other member. then i saw dahyun sipping a cup of tea on the kitchen counter.

"What are you doing?! We're late!" i once again shouted.

she looked around in confusion, seeing that her fellow members are gone. she dropped her cup of tea in the sink and ran to her room.

it's been 10 minutes since i did the head count and the two have just started changing from their pajamas.

dahyun went out of her room first in her outfit, while chaeyoung was still changing. i could hear her stumble in her room, dropping a lot of stuff. after a few minutes, she finished up and the three of us ran to my personal car.

they got in the back seat while i drove off. i didn't know where the salon was exactly as i was never assigned to drive. i asked the girls if they knew were it was but they shrugged their shoulders.

"shit..." i murmured subconsciously.

i sped off to the direction i saw the van go to and checked if there were any salons anywhere.

20 minutes later

i should've arrived at the location by now but we were somewhere deserted. no people were wandering around.

"...are we lost, y/n?" chaeng silently asked, afraid to stress me even more.

i nodded as i looked into the windshield.

the car suddenly went to a halt. i looked down on the dashboard and saw that we ran out of gas.

"We're out of gas..."

"Let's call the company." dahyun replied.

she went on her phone and talked to an organiser at the company.


dahyun: Hello? Is this K** *****?

guy: Yes it is.

dahyun: We're uhhh... lost right now and we don't have gas.

guy: Aren't you guys supposed to be at the salon right now?

dahyun: Long story.. Just please get us a van asap.

guy: The next van that would drop by would be in an hour...

dahyun: An HOUR?!

call end

shit... why didn't i even put gas in this thing in the first place.

"I'm sorry girls."

"No, It's our fault." chaeng replied as she looked out the window.

"Yeah." dahyun agreed.

chaeng got out of the car and sat on the rails by the road. she took out a cigarette.

i was in shock and got out of the car immediately.

i hurried to her and took the box of cigarettes she had.

"You smoke?"

"... yeah."

"You shouldn't. Especially out here in the open."

dahyun got out of the car after she saw the commotion.

"Yeah.. I kept telling her to stop but she's addicted to it." dahyun said as she sat next to chaeng.

"Look... You're still pretty young, I don't want to see your life crumble this early due to this." i gestured the box.

she looked down, "Right..."

it went quiet for a couple of seconds till chaeng said something.

"What were you and nayeon doing the other night? I think it was like- a week ago?"

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