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"Lets save it for later."

dahyun understood and nodded. she sat back on her side of the table. it was kinda awkward being in that position in front of her. i don't really know what to do on this kind of date. she might have read my expression and struck up a conversation.

"So... how's the business going?" she jokingly says. we both laughed by the sudden corny joke she made. she covered her face using the menu. i could hear her small little chuckles.

i put down her menu, revealing her face. "Dahyun.."


"Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?"


i quickly covered my face with the menu from embarrassment. taking a peak from the side of the menu, she had her face half covered by her menu. i noticed that her face was bright red. her white tofu-like skin was no where to be seen.

"I'm s-sorry. That was so corny. But I meant what I said." i had my head low hidden by the menu.

with a small voice, she said, "do you really?"

"I do. I mean- you're really an overall great person. Your personality is amazing, you're outgoing, you're gorgeo-" she cut me off with her finger shushing my lips.

i sat there staring at her finger, dumbfounded by the sudden hushing i was given.

"What?" my lips mumbled due to her finger.

"You- You're overwhelming me. Stop it" she blushed harder. she had her head low, looking at the table.

i held her head up by her chin.

"You deserve to be complimented."

i was so close to her face. her lips just inches away from mine. i couldn't bare staying that close without doing something. but what about the saesangs? what about the pictures? i looked around to see if the coast is clear. i noticed there were barely any servants and people at the place.

i took the chance, and gave her a long kiss on the lips. her limbs loosening up from the tension. she closed her eyes deeply. i really wanted to make her feel special that night. [heh, see what i did there]

i let go from her lips. she still had her eyes closed, with her lips puckered up. 

"Dahyun" i whispered.

she regained conscience and opened her eyes. she sat back down, with a large thump on the leather seat.

"You've got to warn me when you do that. You'll make my heart burst." she sighs.

"What if I want it to?" i smirked.

she blushed once again. "Stop it!" she whispered, her shyness flowing on the table.

i feel like she's my one in a million [haha, two in one]

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