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"Oppa." A quiet mutter from behind.

Oppa? You've got to be kidding me. After all that.

"I-I didn't know it would t-turn out like this." Tzuyu stutters, trying to hold herself together. I couldn't even answer. My head was filled with thoughts about what's to come.

The elevator doors open, stepped inside without even taking a glimpse of her. My heavy steps shook the elevator.

I turned around to see her standing within the elevator entrance. She walks inside silently, standing next to me. She has the nerve to even step foot in the elevator.

"Please. Talk to me." She pleads, holding unto my wrist. I swipe my hand away.

"Stop, Tzuyu. Just... Leave me alone." I said as the elevator dings, the doors slide open letting me escape from the confined space.

Walking out of my own apartment complex never felt so odd and different. It was like leaving a chapter of my life behind. In that apartment was the one girl that made me feel special.

I feel so mean spirited towards Tzuyu, but admittedly... I am also at fault. I- I shouldn't have even touched her in the first place.

Where do I go now? I felt homeless. I didn't want to wait by the lobby, she (Dahyun) might just see me in my most vulnerable state.

The streets were dead. I had no where to go. Turned around to see Tzuyu standing by the entrance, just staring at me with her hands held together.

"Y/N." She says at me while I stood there in the empty street. The darkness of the night consumed everything around me as I saw the girl that.. started it all.

"Where will you go now?" She asks. Her eyes quivered as she tried to keep herself composed.

"None of your business." I said coldly.

"But.. Where do I go? I- I think the members will disown me." She stutters.

Shit. Right. Her members will inevitably know about what happened. Fuck! Why did it all have to go like this. Should I fucking resign?!

I walked back and forth in the street trying to cope with the future of the group. SHIT!

Can things get any worse..

"Are you going back to your dorm?" I asked her. She hesitates for a second or two. "I feel so.. ashamed." She says.

Ashamed? You were so bold about it minutes ago.

Fuck. If I leave her like this, I'll be a bad manager. Like I haven't been already..


Huge time skip will follow this chapter.

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