Finding a Job

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Jisoo POV

Hi I'm Kim Jisoo. I'm not a normal girl I know how to fight and stuff because of my dad. I am living with my best friend Chaeyoung or Rosé you could call her. I moved out of my parents house when I was 18. I decided to be independent like my best friend Chaeyoung is a softy and she works at a company that doesn't pay much and she  provides for us so I'm trying to find a job so she don't have to be tried all day trying to get enough money to provide for us. I feel bad too. But there is a problem I'm trying to find a job that includes fighting in it. It's so hard you know

"Jisoo!!" Chaeyoung yelled

"Yeah!!" I yelled back I don't know why she's yelling so loud the apartment is pretty small

"OMG I THINK I FOUND A JOB FOR YOU!!"Chaeyoung yelled again

"Okay first of all Chaeyoung you don't have to yell so loud" I said while covering my ears

"Sorry" Chaeyoung said

"Okay anyways back to the point you found a job for me?" I asked.

"Yes!" Chaeyoung said cheerfully showing me her phone.

My mind blanked it was a job for being Jennie Kim bodyguard the world wide famous Gucci and Chanel owner needs a bodyguard because her old one quit

"Chaeyoung how did you find this?" I asked

"Ummm I was on my phone looking through the internet trying to find you a job cause I know you've been looking one with fighting skills in it and jisoo unnie you do know that looking through the news paper really won't help you."
Chaeyoung said

"Wow..." I said after she said that

Chaeyoung just laughed at my reaction

"Okay okay first Chaeyoung don't say that looking through the news paper won't help me and second of thank thank so much for helping me" I said well kind of rapped through it

"Your welcome unnie oh crap" Chaeyoung said looking at phone.

"What's wrong Chaeyoung?" I asked kind of worried

"I gotta go to work Chaeyoung said while grabbing her car keys. Oh and unnie you might want to look at the job here's my phone the job info is there bye unnie love you" Chaeyoung said

"Bye" I said I just sat there stunned

After a while I gather my self and look at the phone


Jennie Kim says that the job requires skilled fighting skills and if you so get the job you have to move in with her also you need to stick by her side 24/7

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Jennie Kim says that the job requires skilled fighting skills and if you so get the job you have to move in with her also you need to stick by her side 24/7. Etc.......

After I read the requirements I have most of them but one thing is that I need to move in with her and that she can do whatever she wants with me if I get the job. I was thinking if I should apply for the job but then a slam on the door jumped me. It was Chaeyoung all sweaty it seems like she was running a marathon.

"Chaeyoung are you okay?" I asked worried

"Unnie... I ....need ....your tomorrow..." she said in breathes

"Okay okay clam down Chaeyoung and here's some water" I said giving her some.

After she calm down a bit I asked her what's wrong

She said that she got chased by Lalisa's fans because she was talking to her about getting a job at the Gucci company. (Oh umm lalisa is Jennie's best friend. Since Jennie got 2 company's she didn't gave the company to Lisa but Lisa is like the Manger for the Gucci building. And Jennie still needs to go to the Gucci meetings and stuff because she's the ceo - Arthur)

"Wait Chaeyoung how did talk to Lisa?" I asked

"I-It's a secret" Chaeyoung said nervously

"Okay... and you do you need a my help tomorrow?" I asked

"I need you to protect me because of Lisa's fans they got a picture of me so I might get you attacked." Chaeyoung said

"Okay I will help you if you help me" I asked

"Okay what do you need with oh and if it's about the being the bodyguard for Jennie I signed you up already" Chaeyoung said with a wink.

"Okay than never mind" I said

"unnie your interview is next week so be prepared" Chaeyoung said with a very happy tone.

"Okay thank Chaeyoung and you better sleep for tomorrow" I said

"Okay! Goodnight unnie" Chaeyoung said

"Good night" I said we both gave each other hugs and went to our separate rooms

'Tomorrow is kind of a practice being a bodyguard I guess' I think while drifting off to sleep.

Yo Yo Wasssss up pips
Hope you enjoyed my first chapter
Plz vote and leave a comment if I should still update (I think I will update a again)
-The Arthur

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