Be mine?

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Jisoo POV 

It's been a month since I told them and Jennie's accident. Jennie has been working at home more usually, her assistant would send work to the mansion but today is a special day, today is going to be the day I ask Jennie to be mine.  

Jisoo: "Jennie?"

Jennie: "Hmmm?"

Jisoo: "I'm going out for a bit okay?"

Jennie: "okay"

I took my coat and exited out of the door, I entered my car and started to drive to Lisa's company. when I arrived I pushed through the crowd of fans. I went to the top floor.                    The co-workers bowed and I smiled at them. I open Lisa's office door and I regret it. I saw them heatly making out and ready to rip each other's clothes off. 

Jisoo: "My eyes!!!!"

They immediately pulled away 

Lisa: "don't you ever learn how to knock??"

Jisoo: "you opened Jennie's office without knocking"

Lisa: "true, but I bet you guys had sex in her office before!!!"

Jisoo: "umm we never had sex before"

Lisa and Chaeyoung: "what!!! You guys have been together for almost a year now!!!!"

I shrugged 

Jisoo: "I don't know if Jennie is ready because of her past you know?"

Lisa: "Ohhhhhhhhhh I understand now"

Jisoo: "yep"

Chaeyoung: "so Unnie why did you come here?"

Jisoo: "I need your help"

Lisa: "okay what do you need help with?"

Jisoo: "I want to make Jennie mine today"

Chaeyoung and Lisa looked at each other then started to jump up and down 

Lisa: "I never thought this day will come!! Jennie never really had a real relationship before!!"

Chaeyoung: "you didn't have a relationship for years!!!"

Jisoo: "so I take that as a yes?"

Lisa and Chaeyoung: "yes!!!!!"

Jisoo: "what's the first step?"

Lisa: "What does Jennie like the most?"

Jisoo: "me"

Lisa: "umm how about things else?"

Jisoo: "taking pictures of me?"

Lisa: "something that doesn't include you"

Jisoo: "okay umm taking pictures?"

Lisa: "how about a gift?"

Jisoo: "come on you know Jennie has everything"

Lisa: "true"

Chaeyoung: "How about sunset with you and her leaning at your shoulder"

Jisoo: "I think that's a good idea"

Lisa: "and how about its near cliff with the ocean reflecting the sunset?"

Jisoo: "yes!! that's perfect!!"

Chaeyoung: "and a nice picnic!!"

Jisoo: "yeah!!"

Lisa: "let's buy the picnic stuff and food!!"

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