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Jisoo POV

I just need to only focus on Jennie.


Man: "do it!!"

Jennie: "no!!!"

The man started to hit her and Jennie started to cry.
They're in a warehouse near an abandoned area.
I know that place that's where I used to go when I was little with my friends!!

I'm coming, Jennie. I'll find you

I went out of my room and went to the basement. I took an ax from the basement and went back upstairs. I went to my car and started to drive to the abandoned area.
Jennie POV

Jennie: "let me go!!"

Man: "not until your mine"

Jennie: "I'm never going to be yours!!"

Man: "is it because of your stupid bodyguard? Kim Jisoo?"

Jennie: "She took my heart already!!!"

Man: "she'll never find this place."

Jennie: "what do you mean?!!"

Man: "this place is abandoned the area is also abandoned nobody went here even the cops"

Jennie: "N-no"

The man chuckled

I started to cry again
Jisoo POV

When I arrived Lisa called me


L-"Jisoo unnie?"


L-"I heard the news is that true?"


L-"Jennie unnie got kidnapped?!"


L-"How could you let the fans do that?!!"

J-"It wasn't my fault!!! I told her to run inside but somebody got her!!"

L-"just find her"

J-"I am"

L-"the cops are having no luck"

J-"I'll find her"

L-"How? the cops aren't even having any traces"

J-"just trust me"

L-"Chaeyoung is calling me"

J-"okay bye"


I went out of my car and grabbed my ax from my trunk. This abandoned area is big. I started to walk with my ax in hand there's a lot of abandoned houses and stuff. I kept walking until I see a Warehouse that had lights inside. The entrance had wood covering it.
I walked towards the warehouse.
I heard familiar screams.
It's Jennie

I used my ax to break the wood on the front entrance. When I broke it I kicked the door open.

Jisoo: "Stop!!!" I said as the man tried to take off Jennie's clothes

Man: "h-how did you find us?"

The man had jeans and a t-shirt on.

Jisoo: "why do you want Jennie?"

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