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Jisoo POV

Jisoo: "I promise I won't ever break the promise. I won't die on you. I won't die on a stupid deal."

Jennie: "promise?"

Jisoo: "promise"
Jennie POV

Jennie: "Lisa?

Lisa: "Hmmmm?

Jennie: "is Jisoo even going to wake up? It's been 2 weeks now" I said with a teary eyes

Lisa: "I-I honestly don't know

Chaeyoung: "Don't say that Lisa!!! You made Jennie cry!!! A-and me!!!

Lisa: "Crap"

Jennie: "Chaeyoung does Jisoo really love me?" I said while crying

Chaeyoung: "y-yes," she said while crying

Lisa: "Jisoo will come back"

Jennie: "h-how w-would y-you k-know?"

Lisa: "let's go to the hospital. Jisoo can hear us remember?

Jennie: "yeah! Let's go!!

We went to Lisa's car and drove to the hospital
Jisoo POV

I'm just watching how heartbroken Chaeyoung, Jennie, and Lisa is, it makes me very sad. I just want to go back to them.


Grandma: "Jisoo calm down"

Jisoo: "I-I just wanna get back to them"

Grandma: "think Jisoo think"

Jisoo: "Grandma I am!! But I'm still not out of my coma!!"

Grandma: "Jisoo focus. They are coming to the hospital to talk you Jisoo, listen to what they have to say Jisoo."

Jisoo: "okay"

Jennie: "Jisoo when are you going to wake up?"

Chaeyoung: "Jisoo please wake up" we miss you!"

Jennie: "Jisoo are you ever going to wake up?? Are you going to break our promise? Please don't!"

Chaeyoung and Jennie are now sobbing and Lisa is comforting them. The a-least Lisa kept her promise of taking good care of my pasta.

I plopped on the floor

Jisoo: "grandma I don't know if I can do this. It's been 2 weeks now."

Grandma: "do not give up Jisoo. The keyword is love. Think about what you love about Jennie. Think about what you love about Chaeyoung. Think about what you love about Lisa. Jisoo the keyword is love"

Love is the keyword
Jennie POV

I'm in my office trying to work but I can't concrete with knowing Jisoo can die.
The door opened

Lisa: "the security is trying to hold the fans off but the fans are getting through. Jennie, we need to go"

Jennie: "how are we supposed to go? The fans are blocking the front entrance while we are on the top floor"

Lisa: "I don't know. I let my bodyguards take a vacation after Jisoo unnie incident. Jennie, we need to find away."

Jennie: "How? Jisoo's not here"

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