Lisa's Proposal

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Jisoo POV

I flutter my eyes opened, I groaned feeling somebody on top of me. I then remember yesterday night, I smiled.

Jisoo: "Jen"

Jennie: "Mmmm?"

Jisoo: "wake up"

All of the sudden my phone rang, it was Lisa

Jisoo: "Lis?"

Lisa: "Pack you're stuff and Jennie too"

Jisoo: "Why?"

Lisa: "we're going to Kauai, Hawaii!!"

Jisoo: "ummm why?"

Lisa: "because I'm going to ask Chaeyoung to marry me"

Jisoo: "Really!!!"

Lisa: "Be quiet!!! Now pack you're bags"

Lisa hung up, I shake Jennie

Jisoo: "Jen wake up!! Pack you're bags we're going somewhere!!"

Jennie: "where are we going?"

Jisoo: "Kauai, Hawaii"

Jennie eyes opened

Jennie: "really!"

Jisoo: "yeah"

All of y'all he sudden Jennie blushed furiously

Jisoo: "what wrong?"

Jennie: "can you umm get off of me?"

Jisoo: "no, did you enjoy last night?" I said smirking

Jennie: "u-ummm y-yeah"

Jennie pushed me and quickly went to the bathroom. I walked towards the bathroom, and slowly opened the door, Jennie didn't lock the door. When I opened it Jennie was taking a shower, with her eyes close humming. I slowly walked towards her, opened the shower door and enter it and then backed hugged her.

Jennie: "Ahhhhh!!!"

Jisoo: "Hi"

Jennie: "H-hi"

Jennie POV

I was blushing a lot, I'm not really used to this much skin touching. We took a shower and packed. Well I packed and took a shower as fast as I can. I went downstairs to cook, I kinda felt uncomfortable at what happened last night.

I was cooking until Jisoo back hugged me

Jisoo: "why are you running away from me?"

Jennie: "n-no I-I'm n-not"

Jisoo: "then why did you leave me in the shower?" She mumbled in my neck

Jennie: "I-I u-uhhhh—"

Jisoo: "you smell good"

Jisoo licked my neck

Jisoo: "and taste good too"

I blushed again, I decided to cook on while Jisoo do whatever to me. After I finished Jisoo finally let me go.

Jennie: "here"

Jisoo: "thanks"

We finished eating at about 6:25

Jisoo: "we should go"

Jennie: "okay"

Jisoo: "it's about a 2 hour drive to the airport, so I brought a blanket!"

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