She's just a friend

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Jisoo POV

It's been weeks since Jennie's little accident. She's been getting better and better. I looked at my phone.

Jisoo: "Jen come on I'm meeting a friend"

Jennie: "okay"

I drove to a apartment, we entered it and my friend was standing there.

Yeri: "Jis!"

Jisoo: "Yeri!"

We hugged each other

Jisoo: "This is Jennie my girlfriend"

Yeri: "It's really nice to meet you the great Jennie, I love your clothing brands"

Jennie: "thank you"

Yeri: "my boyfriend is coming"

Jisoo: "you have a boyfriend?

Yeri: "yeah"

Jisoo: "wow since when?"

Yeri: "a long time ago"

Jennie was tugging on my shirt, I got annoyed

Jisoo: "What?"

Jennie: "I—"

Yeri: "He's here!"

My eyes widen Yeri's boyfriend is...


Kai: "Nice to meet you all"

Jisoo: "Uh yes nice to meet you too"

I tried to smile nicely, Jennie was behind me sacred.

Yeri: "come on let's got to my apartment I'll serve you some tea and a muffins"

Jisoo: "sure"

We were in the elevator, I made sure Jennie was really close to me, I kept looking at Kai

Jennie: "Jisoo you're squishing me"

Jisoo: "sorry"

We entered Yeri's apartment it was cozy. Me and Jennie sat down, Yeri went to make tea and muffins, Kai sat in front of us.

Yeri: "all ready"

Yeri passed us the muffins and tea

Jisoo: "thank you"

Jennie: "thank you"

Kai: "Thanks babe"

Me and Yeri started to talk while Jennie hanged on to me and Kai he was looking at us weirdly. I felt off very off.


Kai: "Baby I need to go"

Yeri: "okay"

I gave Yeri a peck and left the room

Father/Bobby: "is Jisoo and Jennie in there"

Kai: "y-yes father"

Father: "good boy now let's go to the security room"

I followed my father as we entered the security room, my father knocked the person out cold.

Father: "Kai hack into there phones"

I sighed and got onto the computer and started to hack. I didn't want to do this. I hate doing this.

Father: "remember Kai when we break up Jennie and Jisoo you have to break up with a Yeri then you sign up for Jennie's bodyguard and you guys get married and I'll get all of the power. Understand Kai?"

Kai: "Yes"

It took 30 minutes when I got into there phones

Father: "you know what to do I'll be in the car"

I texted a message, the message will only send when Jisoo's back home. I sighed.
I love Yeri I don't want to break up with her.

My phone rang

Kai: "yes father"

I started to go to the parking lot to meet my father waiting there.

Father: "did you do it?"

Kai: "yes"

Father: "let's go out to drink and eat for this!"

Kai: "yes..."

Jennie POV

I don't like how Jisoo talks to Yeri
I don't like how Jisoo laughs to Yeri
I don't like how Jisoo pay full attention to Yeri
I don't like how we're here in Yeri's house
It's been like 4 hours in this apartment

Yeri: "Jisoo I need to go to a meeting in my company"

Jisoo: "Really right now?"

Yeri: "yeah"

I don't like how Jisoo just pouted for that reason. I don't like Yeri

Yeri: "sorry we could hang out another time"

Jisoo: "that sounds great"

They hugged each other and said there goodbyes. We started to go to the parking lot I was completely silence while Jisoo talked about how great Yeri is. We entered the car and I was done with Jisoo's talk

Jennie: "I don't like her!!"

Jisoo: "why? she's nice"

Jennie: "I don't like her, I feel like she's going to take you away from me"

Jisoo: "Awe Mandu you're the only one"

Jennie: "Just drive home"

Jisoo started to drive home, I was pouting, Jisoo kept glancing my way

Jisoo: "Jennie she's just a friend"

Jennie: "I hope"

Jisoo: "let's watch movies, eat junk food, cuddle when we get home!"

Jennie: "Mmmmmm that sounds nice"

When we got home, I got the snacks, Jisoo got the blankets.

Jisoo: "what movie?"

Jennie: "how about Moana?"

Jisoo: "sure"

Jisoo insert the disc and the movie started to play. I snuggled into Jisoo enjoying the warmth of her.

Jisoo POV

We were halfway to the movie when I got a text message. It was from Yeri saying meet her at a hotel tomorrow. I texted back okay and went back to the movie.

We watched about 6 movies until we both fell asleep on the couch. Jennie was on top of me, I had my arms wrapped around her with a blanket on top of us.

Jisoo: "goodnight mandu..."

Jennie: "goodnight Jichu..."

I went to dreamland dreaming about me and Jennie getting married and having kids...

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile and maybe double update today. —A :)

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