Jennie learning about Jisoo's family

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3rd person POV

It's been 2 weeks since Jisoo started to live with Jennie. Every day contains teasing each other, Jisoo getting into fights to protect Jennie and making deals, by now Jisoo has made over 100 deals. The fans always challenge Jisoo. Jisoo also improved her fighting skills, Jisoo is very close to mastering ever single type of fighting. Improving her skills makes hard for fans to win the deals, fans never seen a bodyguard that makes deals to protect there boss and fans never seen a girl so strong. There were close times were Jisoo almost lost deals and almost died because she would sometimes get very injured one day then the next day she would do another deal but Jisoo always remembers the promise she would never break to Jennie. Jisoo always makes extra money because of the deals. Jisoo and Jennie relationship is very close, they tell everything to each other they even promise to tell everything to each other but one thing Jisoo didn't tell Jennie is her parents. Jisoo knows that she has to tell Jennie soon because if Jisoo doesn't she practically broke the promise.

Jennie POV

It was another day of waking up at 4 am. I went over to Jisoo's room. When I entered, I got up top of her but she pulled me and sucked my neck making a hickey

Jisoo: "A another point for me!" She said jumping out of her bed

Jennie: "Jisoo!!!"

Jisoo: "Ha!"

Jennie: "Why do you always win" I grumble

Jisoo: "cause I'm the best" she said putting her arms on her hips

I took the chance to tackle her onto the ground and suck her neck that made her moan.

Jennie: "A point for me now!"

Jisoo: "No fair!"

Jennie: "Yes it is"

Jisoo: "just you wait for later"

Jennie: "I bet that—"

We turned our heads to the door were Jessie was standing. I blushed hard, this was the first time I ever did this kind of action to anyone and Jessie knew. I'm so embarrassed.

Jessie: "I did not see what I saw"

Jisoo: "why did you open my door without knocking?"

Jessie: "yesterday, I saw a hickey on Jennie's neck so I wanted to talk to her about it. I saw Jennie going to your room so I followed when I opened the door I saw Jennie on top of you then you grabbed her neck and sucked it than you guys were having a conversation but than Jennie tackled you and sucked your neck. I have never seen this kind of action from Jennie before."

I was blushing so hard now, I was probably a tomato by now.

Jisoo: "j-just knock my door next time" Jisoo said while blushing

Jessie: "I will definitely and I now know why Jennie had a hickey on her neck."

Jennie: "Jessie stop talking about that"

Jessie: "Okay Okay" she said while chuckling

Jessie: "Jennie, your parents would like you to visit them"

Jennie: "when?"

Jessie: "they say whenever your free and they want you to bring Jisoo, they want to meet the person protecting their daughter."

Jisoo: "well I feel honored"

Jennie: "Okay, were going to visit them today"

Jessie: "should I tell them?"

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