Remember me?

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Jennie POV

We were still crying, I was on the ground crying, Lisa and Chaeyoung was hugging each other while crying. Jisoo's mom and dad was sitting down while crying

Doctor: "I'm back, uhhh... I just want to tell you that you can see Jisoo one last time before—"

Nurse: "Doc you have to see this"

In Jisoo's room (surgery room)

Nurse: "she's alive again"

The doctor looked at the heart monitor

Doctor: "how?"

Nurse: "I don't know. I entered the room ready to detach the wires and stuff, then all of the sudden her heart started to go again."

Doctor: "how is this even possible? She's been dead for more than 2 hours."

Jisoo all of the sudden, sat up gasping for air

Jisoo: "where am I, I need to get out of here"

Doctor: "whoa there, calm down"

Jisoo: "where's my family?"

Doctor: "outside"

Jisoo: "can you send them in?"

Doctor: "of course"

The doctor went out to call them to come in

Jisoo POV

Jeez was I in a coma?

I saw people coming in, I saw my mom, dad, Chaeyoung, and Lisa but there was also a girl that had dumplings cheeks. She looks cute but who is she?

Jennie: "Jisoo!! I thought you died!!"

Jisoo: "woah I don't know you"

Jennie: "w-what I-it's m-me J-Jennie"

Jisoo: "Jennie?"

Lisa: "do you remember us?"

Jisoo: "yeah I remember you guys but not Jennie, whatever her name is"

Jennie: "I'm you're girlfriend"

Jisoo: "girlfriend? Since when did I have a girlfriend"

Father: "Doc what's wrong with our daughter!"

Mother: "why can't she remember Jennie!!"

Doctor: "I'm going to have to do some test"

After hours I'm finally done with the test they were doing on me.

Doctor: "you're clothes are inside of the bathroom, go and change you're being released"

I went inside of the bathroom

Jennie POV

Why can't Jisoo remember me?

Doctor: "I've got some bad news and good news"

Mother: "Bad news first please"

Doctor: "Jisoo seems to lost her memory about Jennie"

Father: "just Jennie?"

Doctor: "it seems so, we want Jisoo to remember those memories again because it's most important to Jisoo right now"

Mother: "what's the good news?"

Doctor: "Jisoo's being released, she needs to be near Jennie, she needs to remember her memories about Jennie if not she might get into depression because she feels somethings missing in her life."

Father: "we understand"

Doctor: "Jennie, this might be hard but Jisoo probably would be uncomfortable around you"

Jennie: "I-I u-understand I-I j-just w-want
J-Jisoo t-to r-remember m-me a-again."

Doctor: "this might be hard though"

Jisoo came out looking tried

Jennie: "Jis you're coming with me"

Jisoo: "but I don't know you"

Father: "Jisoo go with her, you live with her"

Jisoo: "I do?"

Mother: "yes, you j-just l-lost you're

Jisoo: "Ummm okay?"

Jisoo followed me behind,
I felt the awkwardness between us

When we arrived to the car, I was starching my head

Jisoo: "what's wrong?"

Jennie: "ummm, I don't know how to ummm

Jisoo: "Oh, ummm I'll drive then"

I'm using Lisa's car, they took Jisoo's mom car to drive home

Jisoo: "What's the address?"

Jennie: "*********"

Jisoo: "alright hop in"

I got into the passages seat, Jisoo got in the driver seat and started to drive.

It was really awkward, the only thing that was talking was the GPS

Jisoo: "Ummm, is this the house"

Jennie: "Uhhhh, yeah pull into the driveway"

Jisoo: "woah I live here?"

Jennie: "yeah"

Jisoo parked the car, I got out first and Jisoo followed me.

Jisoo: "so ummm, where's my room?"

Jennie: "follow me"

We went upstairs, I opened our bedroom

Jennie: "this is our, I mean you're bedroom, you're clothes should be in the closet"

Jisoo: "thanks"

I nodded, I took a shower down the hallway bathroom, I looked for a room that I could sleep in but I couldn't find one. Most of these room became Jisoo's room or my random room.

Jennie: "where am I going to sleep now?"

Jisoo POV

I explored the room, the closet was huge the bathroom was huge too. I took a shower and went to bed. The bed was comfy and warm.
I immediately fell asleep

Jennie POV

I decided to do some work at my office which was right next to where Jisoo's sleeping. I worked and worked and worked until I fell asleep in the chair.

Jennie: "Goodnight Chu"

Even though you can't hear me...

Even though you can't remember me...

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