Your not my father or brother anymore

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Jisoo POV

It's has been 1 month since I told Jennie and Jennie's parents about my parents, Jennie's parents had been staying in touch with me because they felt bad, I said there's no need because I feel like they are my parents since I was little I loved to listen to G-Dragon's music I loved to see the magazine with Nicole on it, I was really sad when I had to move but still listened to G-Dragons music and sometimes buy magazine with Nicole on it.
Right now, I'm on Jennie's office laying on her couch, it's really boring I sometimes fall asleep.

Jennie: "Jisoo get your lazy butt off of my couch and get me coffee!"

Jisoo: "I'm not your assistant!"

Jennie: "Jisoo"

Jisoo: "Jennie"

Jennie: "Jisoo I swear"

Jisoo: "you swear what"

Jennie: "I'll make you into my assistant"

Jisoo: "what no!"

Jennie: "than get me coffee"

Jisoo: "ugh! Fine!"

Jennie: "Thanks!"

Jisoo: "Mmhmm"

I left the office and went straight to the elevator, I could have been sleeping as usual.
I went to my Noble M600 Jennie's parents gave it to me. This thing is a beast it goes 225 mph.

Noble M600

I drove to the nearest cafe

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I drove to the nearest cafe

I entered the cafe and ordered an ice coffee and donuts for Jennie and me.

I was sitting in a booth on my phone, I finally got a phone I never knew a phone could be so much fun, if I knew earlier I would have brought one earlier.

Person: "J-Jisoo?"

I turned my head to the person calling my name. I saw my 'Father and brother' I don't even want to call them that.
I pretended I didn't hear them

Chris ( Dad): "Jisoo I know you're ignoring us"

Bobby (Brother): "Jisoo please talk to us."

Staff: "2 ice coffee and 2 boxes of donuts for Kim Jisoo!"

I walked past them. I took my food and thanked the staff and walked out. I walked to my car, I could feel them behind me.

I opened my car and put the food inside and faced them.

Jisoo: "What do you want?"

I see them staring at my car

Jisoo: "Stop staring at my car"

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