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Jisoo POV

Me and Jennie are at my parent's house

Jisoo: "You ready?"

Jennie: "Yeah"

I knocked the door, the door swung open with my mom holding a bowl while mixing

Mom: "Jisoo!!! And Jennie!!!"

Jisoo: "Hi Mom"

Mom: "Come in you guys!"

Jisoo: "Where's Dad?"

Mom: "in the living room, and I see you brought someone over"

Jisoo: "Yeah, I would like to tell you something"

Mom: "I see, Jennie thank you for taking care of my daughter here, I bet she was a handful"

Jennie: "Well your daughter here was kinda of handful, she made a mess in my house"

Mom: "I knew it"

Jisoo: "Hey! Some of the mess was yours!"

Jennie: "It's my house"

I kept silent, I took Jennie's hands and dragged her to the living room. I than heard my mom laugh.

Dad: "Jisoo! Welcome home! Ah... Jennie"

Jennie: "Hi..."

Dad stood up facing Jennie, I felt her hand tighten around my hand

Dad: "I wanna say I'm sorry for the things I did. I'm glad that your relationship is back on track with Jisoo"

Jennie: "I'll forgive you, we wanted to tell you guys something special today so sad is the not the mood for today"

Dad: "Thank you! For forgiving me! And I can't wait to here the news"

Mom: "Me too"

My mom came in with frosting and flour on her

Dad: "Honey your a mess"

My dad walked up to her wiping the frosting with his finger than licking the frosting

Mom: "Hon!"

My Dad chuckled and went to the kitchen

Dad: "I smell food~!!!"

Mom: "I made extra too!!"

I pulled a chair for Jennie, she thanked me and I pulled a chair for myself. My dad was already eating.

Mom: "Hon, please eat appropriate, there's a guest here"

Dad: "Sorry"

My Dad swallowed his food than wiping his mouth with a napkin

Mom: "So what's the 'Special News' Honey?"

Jisoo: "Well ummm I proposed to Jennie..."

My Dad stood up, he pointed to Jennie

Dad: "Your Jisoo's fiancé now?"

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