Lisa's Proposal 2

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Lisa POV

I woke up with a beautiful face in front of me. Soon to be wife, I smiled thinking about that

Chaeyoung: "why are smiling like that?"

Lisa: "Oh nothing, get up we have a lot of things to do today!!"

Chaeyoung: "Jisoo said—"

Lisa: "it's just gonna be me and you today"

Chaeyoung: "no Jisoo and Jennie?"

Lisa: "nope, no unnies until afternoon"

Chaeyoung: "okay"

Lisa: "get ready!"

Chaeyoung went to the bathroom, I grabbed clothes and also went to the bathroom.

Chaeyoung: "Hey"

Lisa: "Hey"

I joined Chaeyoung in the shower
It was quiet until...


Lisa: "uhhh"

Chaeyoung: "that doesn't sound good"

Lisa: "yeah"

We finished taking a shower and changed to check on Jisoo and Jennie, they were only room away. I opened there door

Jisoo was soaking wet
Jennie was laughing

Lisa: "what happened?"

Jennie: "I poured cold water on Jisoo"

Jisoo: "I hate you"

Jisoo stormed into the bathroom

Jennie: "Awwww! No you don't! Give me a hug!"

Jisoo: "No!"

Jennie followed Jisoo with her arms wide trying to give Jisoo a hug

Chaeyoung: "I guess that was solved"

Lisa: "let's head out and get some breakfast"

Chaeyoung: "sure I'm pretty hungry"

We went out of the hotel and entered my car, we drove to a nice breakfast area.

Chaeyoung: "it looks yummy!"

Lisa: "let's head in then!"

We entered and took our seat. We ordered some pancakes, waffles, eggs and more. We wanted to give some to the unnies. We ate, talked, laughed as usual.

Chaeyoung: "I'm full"

Lisa: "me too"

Chaeyoung: "let's go back to the hotel to drop off the food"

Lisa: "sure"

We got back into my car and drove back to the hotel, when we opened the door it was a mess

Lisa: "Guys!!!"

Jisoo: "help me!!!"

Jennie: "why did you pull me into that stupid trick!!"

Jisoo: "because I knew you wouldn't let me do it again to you!!"

Jennie: "get over here!!!"

Chaeyoung: "what did you do Jisoo unnie?"

Jisoo: "I fucked her!!!"

Jennie: "Get over here!!!"

We watched as they bumped into things. Jennie finally got Jisoo. They were on the ground, Jennie tickling Jisoo

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