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Jisoo POV

It's been 5 years now, we've had our honeymoon. I now own my own tech company and well for Jennie... she's pregnant right now.

Jennie: "Honey, I'm craving some ice cream with soy sauce"

Jisoo: "Ice cream with soy sauce?!"

Jennie: "Yeah"

Jisoo: "It's 12:34"

Jennie: "I know but..."

We're in bed, I'm reading my book and Jennie is laying on my right thigh.

I sighed and took off my glasses putting it on the table. I closed my book placing it next to my glasses.

Jennie: "Thank you!"

Jisoo: "Your going to the kitchen with me"

Jennie: "No~"

Jisoo: "Come on"

Jennie: "Bring it here?"

Jisoo: "No"

Jennie please!

I looked at Jennie, she has a really cute pout on that I can't resist

Jisoo: "Fine..."

Jennie: "Thanks baby!"

Jennie flashed her beautiful gummy smile, I smiled back. I exited out of the room going downstairs, going to the kitchen, opening the freezer and grabbing the tub of ice cream out.
I scoop the ice cream until it reaches to the top top of the bowl. I poured soy sauce onto another little container. I walked back upstairs into the bedroom

Jisoo: "Ice cream?"

Jennie: "Thank you~"

Jisoo: "oh here's the soy sauce"

Jennie: "Thank you"

Jennie dumped the whole soy sauce container into the ice cream and she started to eat.
I shook my head

Jennie: "Want some?"

Jisoo: "No thanks"

Jennie: "Okay suit yourself"

Jennie finished the ice cream in 6 minutes

Jennie: "here"

I placed the bowl and container to my table. After that I closed the light and fell asleep next to Jennie.
Jennie: "Jisoo!! Wake up!!"

Jisoo: "Mmmmm why?"

Jennie: "The baby!! It's coming!!"

I fell out bed

Jisoo: "It's coming?!!"

Jennie: "It's coming!!"

Jisoo: "What do I do??!!!"

Jennie: "Bring me to the hospital!!!"

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