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Jisoo POV

The next day. I turned in bed and I groan in pain all these bruises and cuts hurts. I than started to do my morning routine the worst parts of it is that I have to take a shower the cuts sting like hell! After my morning routine and stuff. I went to the kitchen and there is Chaeyoung cooking waffles.

"Good morning pasta" I said

"Good morning unnie" Chaeyoung said not turning around.

I went and sat on the kitchen stool and watched Chaeyoung cook.

"How are you pasta you got knocked down yesterday" I asked

"Mmm I'm fine today I kinda have a headache" Chaeyoung said

"That good and can we please have chicken for dinner" I asked

"Unnie we don't have chicken" Chaeyoung said

"I'll buy some" I said

"Okay unnie be careful you got pretty famous from yesterday events" Chaeyoung said while cooking the last waffle

"I don't understand?" I said

Chaeyoung turned around and she screamed she saw how bruised I am and how I have a lot of bandages. Oh and I'm wearing a crop top so she saw the bruises and bandages that are covering my cuts.

"Woah pasta calm down" I said while covering my ears.

Chaeyoung yelled

"I'm okay pasta calm down and stop yelling" I said

After she calmed down she asked "Unnie can I see your cuts?" Chaeyoung asked

"Sure most of the cuts healed while I was sleeping" I said

Chaeyoung walked over to me and took the bandages off and started to replace them with smaller bandages.

After a while Chaeyoung was done. She went and washed her hands and cleaned up the old bandages. While I sat on the couch looking at the waffles.

"Unnie you know you can eat some" Chaeyoung said while putting waffles on an other plate and handing it to me

"Thank you Chaeyoung!" I said

After a while of eating in silent I decided to break it and asked...

"So pasta you said I'm famous because of yesterday events?" I asked

"Yes! Unnie check out the news on the tv your in it!" Chaeyoung said happily

I took the tv remote control and turned the channel into news and I was on it. It was showing a video were I slammed the guy into the ground. I cover my ears to not have to hear the bone breaking.

News reporter 1: "Today we have news on the girl who protect the girl that was talking to Lalisa monban."

News reporter 2: "yes that video you just watched was the girl who was protecting the other girl."

News reporter 1: we haven't found the girls name yet

News reporter 2: yes indeed there's names are still mysterious

News reporter1: "okay anyways let's move onto the fans comments"

Fans comments: "how did she fight like that!?" "She looks beautiful but she's badass!" "I wanna meet her so I can get fighting lessons from her!" Etc...

News reporter 2: here's a picture of the fighting girl...

News reporter 1: I think that's all we have today and whoever finds her is lucky *wink*

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News reporter 1: I think that's all we have today and whoever finds her is lucky *wink*

News reporter 1&2: Bye!!!

I looked over at Chaeyoung she looked back at me

"What?" Chaeyoung asked

"Mmmm I'm still going to get chicken" I said

"What really?! Unnie please be careful" Chaeyoung said worried

"I will" I said

"Chaeyoung I think you should stay home today" I said

"I think that a good idea" Chaeyoung said

I looked over at the wall clock and I needed to go to the gym. I'm not letting a stupid video blocking my way going to the gym

"Chaeyoung I'm going to the gym. I'll be back" I said

"Okay unnie please be careful" Chaeyoung said

I nodded

I changed into a black hoodie and sweat pants I had my crop top underneath the hoodie.
Me and Chaeyoung said our good byes

I walked to the other apartment that had a gym it wasn't far at all just a few blocks away.

I entered the lobby and they all looked at me than at there phone. I just smiled cause I knew they saw me at the news. I went to the elevator and there was a lot of people in there so I had to keep my head down low. But when this guy bumped into me than all eyes were on me.

Person 1: hey your the girl in the tv news

Person 2: yea the girl that knows how to fight

Thank god the elevator dinged and it was my floor I just ran to the gym room. I looked back and saw people running after me I quickly went into the gym room but than all eyes were on me.

"WHAT YA"LL LOOKING AT?" I yelled they quickly turned back on what they were doing.

I started to stretch. I went over to the weights and started to work at my arm but than I heard a click I ignored it cause people take pictures of them self. I than started to work on my abs/stomach I heard a another flash I ignored but It of kinda brothers me because I feel there's people looking at me but I just ignored all flashes and clicks. I than started to get sweaty and took off my hoodie. There was a another flash I ignored it again.

After a while working at my arms, legs, and stomach I went over and got a drink. That's when I noticed that people were taking pictures of me. There were people in the gym room taking a picture of me. There was even people outside of the gym room taking pictures of me. I just packed my stuff and put on my hoodie and ran for my life they were all screaming and running my way.

In my mind I was thinking 'please tell me these people won't follow me into my apartment' I had to take the stairs instead of the elevator. I ran for my life I looked back and there were no one behind me thank god I ran back to my apartment.

I enter my apartment and it was extremely quiet so I called out "pasta?!"

"Yes! Unnie" Chaeyoung said back

"When's my interview?" I asked out of no where

"Hmm let me check unnie" Chaeyoung said while walking over to me

"Oh unnie looks like Jennie finished most of the interviews in 2 days so your interview is moved tomorrow" Chaeyoung said while looking at her phone

"So my interview is not next week?" I asked

"Nope unnie it's tomorrow" Chaeyoung said

"Okay"I said "oh and Chaeyoung I don't think I want to get chicken from the store right now can you cook some rice?" I asked

"Sure unnie" Chaeyoung said

After Chaeyoung cooked and we ate we said our good nights and went to our separate rooms. I took a shower and I changed my bandages. The cuts aren't that bad anymore.

I laid in bed thinking about tomorrow's interview hoping I would get the job
After 10 seconds later I drifted off to sleep

Yo Yo wasss up
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Tell me if it's boring or not. Plz vote and comment and plz share my book. I also might change some stuff. I also I have school coming up. I'm going into 7th grade so I might not have time to update a lot
-The Arthur
Shoutout to unknownconverter for supporting me!! Thank you!!

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