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In the surgery room

Doctor: "get the defibrillator!! It's too late to do another surgery!!"

Nurse: "here!!"

The doctor attached the defibrillator onto Jisoo

Nurse: "1, 2, 3!"

The defibrillator shocked Jisoo's chest

Doctor: "again!"

Nurse: "1, 2, 3!"

Doctor: "again!"

Nurse 2: "Her blood is to low doc!"

Doctor: "go get more blood A!"

The nurse quick rush to get more blood. They kept doing the progress over and over again

45 minutes later

Doctor: "we can't bring her back"

Nurse: "I don't get it, she was just fine"

Doctor: "I know I don't understand too, now the hard part, we have to tell her family members"

The doctor went out of the room, she saw Jennie on the floor, Jisoo's mother walking back and forth.

Doctor: "I have some news"

Jennie: "what is it?! Is she okay?!"

Doctor: "s-she d-didn't m-make i-it"

There faces darken

Jennie: "n-no! J-Jisoo!"

Doctor: "I'm sorry for you're lost, we tried out best to revive her"

Jisoo mother: "Jisoo! M-my b-baby!"

Jennie POV

No! Jisoo can't leave me like this!
This must be a dream!

Doctor: "I'm very sorry for you're lost, I myself hate telling the news."

Jisoo mother: "I-it's o-okay y-you t-tried t-to
s-save h-her"

Lisa: "whats going on here?"

Jennie: "j-Jisoo"

Chaeyoung: "what about Jisoo? Is she alright?"

Jennie: "s-she d-died"

Jisoo's father: "What!!"

Lisa: "How??!!"

Chaeyoung: "she was fine, when she entered our room!!"

Doctor: "that's the mystery part, we don't understand either. Her heart, blood pressure, her organs were all fine."

Nurse: "Doc we need you, another patient"

Doctor: "excuse me, I'm sorry for you're lost"

Lisa: "N-no!"

Jisoo's father: "I wanted to spend time with you Jisoo!"

Chaeyoung: "N-no Jisoo come back your my only best friend and probably always be the best friend..."

Flashbacks (3rd POV)

Jisoo: "mandu look!"

Jennie: "Hmmm? What's that? Did you make it?"

Jisoo: "yeah! It's our couple ring!"

Jennie: "JJ4EVER"

Jisoo: "Do you like it?"

Jennie: "I love it!"

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