Losing the bet, making a new deal

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Jennie POV

Ugh! Why did I bet with Lisa! If your wondering what bet? It's about Kim Jisoo. Me and Lisa looked over the people who applied for the job and we saw her she was on tv so me and Lisa bet. I bet that she won't be able to beat those 3 bodybuilders Lisa bet that she will. Now I have to pay Lisa 1,000 bucks!

Flashback (3rd person)

Jennie was calling Lisa to come over to her house more like a mansion to look over these people files.

Jennie: "Lisa come over and let's look over these people!"

Lisa: "okay let me just finish some paperwork first"

Jennie: "Okay"

After about 30 minutes Lisa finally arrived at Jennie's mansion

They were sitting at the couch looking over the files and information and the people who applied for the job. Until...

Lisa: "unnie can we have a break?! We've been looking these files for 1 hour!"

Jennie: "Okay just turn on the tv! Geez!"

At that time Jisoo was on the news

Lisa: "woah unnie look at this girl protecting Chaeyoung!"

Jennie watched the video on the tv and was surprised how she slammed the guys into the ground. But than Jennie noticed something.

Jennie: "Lisa how do you know the girls name?"

Lisa: "i-i bummed into her in the grocery store."


Jennie thinks it was fishy Lisa never goes to the grocery store she does online grocery shopping.
Jennie just shrugged it off.

After they watched the news they went back to the files it was about another good 1 hour until...

Lisa: "unnie look!"

It was a picture of Jisoo and info about her

Jennie: "she's applying for this job huh"

Lisa: "yep! Let's bet! I bet that she will beat those 3 bodybuilders!"

Jennie: "Okay I bet she won't. She looks so thin"

Lisa: that's cause she's on tv view and that's a picture! And don't judge a book from its cover!"

End of flashback (sorry that it wasn't Jennie's POV when the flashback happened)

Jennie POV

I'm so mad until my personal assistant came in

Jennie's assistant: "sorry boss to interpret but you have to meet Kim Jisoo and she may be late."

Jennie: "why would she be late?"

Jennie's assistant: "look out your window boss"

I looked out of the window and saw Kim Jisoo was in a car while fans were surrounding her car Sercuity were trying to push the fans off of the car but there was too many but all of the sudden the top window of the car opened and she climbed out of top car window and she jumped she freaking jumped! But surprisingly she made it and ran inside of the building! I am just shocked!

Jennie: "Irene did you see that?!"

Jennie's assistant (Irene): "y-yes how did she do that?"

Jennie: "I don't know but go and meet her outside of my office."

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