You remember now?

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Jisoo POV

It's been 2 weeks... Jennie is fully recovered, I still stay in her house. I like it here better then my own house.

I'm sitting on Jennie's bed.
I'm nervous and scared.

I... I...

Jennie: "Jisoo!"

Jisoo: "Huh?"

Jennie: "I've been calling you're name"

Jisoo: "Oh s-sorry"

Jennie: "what's on you're mind?"

Jisoo: "Nothing"

Jennie: "I can tell something is bothering you"

Jisoo: "N-no!"

Jennie: "come on! Tell me!"

Jisoo: "I-I h-have n-nothing t-to t-tell y-you!!!"

I was surprised when Jennie pushed me down onto the bed. Jennie then got on top of me.
I gulped the lump in my throat.

Jennie: "come on tell me"

I looked away avoiding eye contact. Jennie grabbed my jaw making me look at her

Jennie: "is there a secret you're not telling me? You know you could always tell me anything"

Jisoo: "I-I k-know"

Jennie: "then what's wrong"

I closed my eyes. I have to tell Jennie.

I have to tell Jennie that my memories came back after 2 weeks of spending time here

Jisoo: "I-I—"

My stomach growled.

Jennie: "You're hungry!!!! Come on!! I have a place where I always go when I'm too lazy too cook breakfast!!! You're going to love it!!"

Jennie dragged me outside. She opened the car door for me. I got in and she buckled my seat belt. Jennie got in the driver seat until I noticed something

Jisoo: "Wait!! You can't drive!!"

Jennie: "don't worry, I just got my driver my license!!!"

Jisoo: "how?!"

Jennie: "well ummm..."


Jennie was on the floor pulling Chae's shirt begging her.

Jennie: "please!!"

Chae: "No! Jennie what if you crash my car!!"

Jennie: "I'll buy you another one!"

Chae: "I still can't!!"

Jennie: "why!!"

Chae: "because! Lisa brought me that car!!"

Jennie: "then let's use mine!!!"

Chae: "you have a car?"

Jennie: "yeah"

Chae: "show me the car first"

Jennie: "okay!"

Jennie showed Chae her cars...

Chae: "Jennie!!! I still can't!!!"

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